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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Relationship among Justice Recognition, Brand Asset Value, Trust, Relation Commitment and Long-Term Orientation

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2017, v.15 no.1, pp.95-104
Yim, Duk-Soon


Purpose - This study focuses on long-term orientation that can lead long-term partnership. A long-term orientation needs a trust and relation commitment between company. So in this study, the researcher conducts a dependent variable as a justice recognition and brand asset value to research model to find out casual relationship among quoted factors. Research design, data, and methodology - The focus of this study was employees who work in a liquor distribution company to figure out factors that effect on long-term relationship in b2b transaction. The development of the research model is based on the literature of the preceding research analysis of justice recognition, brand asset value, trust, relation commitment and long-term orientation. This study have constructs that defined operationally by previous studies, research model design that to figuring casual relationships among the quoted factors. From 2016 Sep. 1st to Oct. 30th, a questionnaire survey was conducted targeting employees who work in liquor distribution company. 176 survey data were used for empirical analysis to prove the research hypotheses. Results - The main results of this study's empirical methodology were as follows. First, procedural justice and interactive justice has a positive significant effect on trust and relation commitment. Also brand image, brand awareness and perceived quality has a positive significant effect on trust and relation commitment. Second, trust and relation commitment has a positive significant effect on long-term orientation. Every hypothesis adopted as the researcher designed for empirical study. Conclusions - Based on empirical results, this study confirmed that trust and relation commitment has empirical relationship with long-term orientation. Based on the analysis, the researcher provided managerial implication by setting 2 way path for making long-term orientation with business company. First path is procedural justice to relation commitment. It contains that procedural justice recognised while business transaction execution, consideration intension and relation development will happen in b2b. Second path is perceived quality to trust. It contains that the perceived quality recognised while business transaction execution, trust will increase rapidly. So when a business company wants to make a partnership, they have to consider procedural justice and perceived quality to make a long-term relationship.

Procedural Justice, Interactive Justice, Brand Image, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Trust, Relation Commitment, Long-Term Orientation



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The Journal of Distribution Science