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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

A Study on the Effect of Social Value of Traditional Market on Satisfaction, Loyalty and Local Attachment

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2017, v.15 no.2, pp.59-68
Kim, Choong-Hwan
Jeong, Seok-Oh
Jung, Yeon-Sung


Purpose - The year 2016 marks 20 years since the opening of Korean distribution market in 1996. After this opening, the domestic market expanded and modernized, and has grown to become an advanced distribution market with a greater range of consumer choices. On the other hand, traditional markets have waned and their management has become worse. However, traditional markets do not have economic value alone. This study examines the effects of social value in traditional market such as the value of Cultural Tourism and the value of Sharing Community with Traditional Market on Satisfaction, Loyalty and Place Attachment of the residents. Research design, data and methodology - A questionnaire was organized for this study after a hypothesis was set based on theoretical background. Verification of the hypothesis was undertaken by statistically analyzing questionnaire responses. Personal interviews were performed for this study, and a total of 300 responses were collected, of which 228 responses (76%) were from women. The survey coverage was divided into 10 regions ranging from metropolitan areas to the provincial level, and the age groups were divided into 30s to 60s to ensure diversity of the area and age. Results - To summarize the study results, through verification of the hypothesis in terms of meaningful influence, it appears the values of Cultural Tourism to Satisfaction and Loyalty are supported. On the other hand, the value of Sharing Community is only supported for Satisfaction. It appears that Satisfaction to Loyalty and Loyalty to Place Attachment are meaningful effects. The mediator effect was also reconciled through satisfaction and loyalty. Loyalty was analyzed in terms of mediating the effect of satisfaction on place attachment. Conclusions - It is noted in this study that government support is required to preserve traditional markets and renewal program. Community requires multilateral communication and the formation of effective relationships. In contrast to the economic value emphasized by large retailers, the empirical analysis of the non-economic effects of traditional markets has presented the significance of socio-cultural values in traditional markets. In the future, socio-cultural values and economic values should be integrated into more empirical studies through mutual comparison. Investigating the increase and decrease of social value in traditional markets will help the future formulation in government policy.

Traditional Market, Social Value, Cultural Tourism Value, Sharing Community Value, Local Attachment



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The Journal of Distribution Science