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모방전략의 유용성에 관한 연구: 이디야 사례

Imitation as a Viable Strategy: The Case of Ediya in Korean Coffee Franchise Industry

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS) / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2017, v.15 no.6, pp.47-56
최진아 (Department of International Business and Trade, Myongji University)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the viability of imitation strategy. Imitation strategy is one of the strategic options that a late mover can choose, and by selecting the strategy, the company imitates key elements of the business model of first movers, and modifies them to suit its conditions. The author attempted to explain how the elements of first mover's business models were creatively adapted to suit the conditions of late movers so that they can secure market position face-to-face market leaders. Research design, data, and methodology - For the purpose of the study, Korean coffee franchise industry was selected to compare the strategies of first and late movers and to discuss imitation strategy in detail. The author conducted in-depth case study of first mover and business model innovator Starbucks and Ediya Coffee, one of their imitators. The paper examines how Ediya has imitated and modified the business model of Starbucks to secure its unique competitive position in domestic market by using value chain and generic strategy analysis. Results - Starbucks and Ediya were compared in terms of their interior design, the price level of beverages, the variety of side dishes, and shop locations. Starbucks have invested interior design heavily to shops, offered diverse beverages and side dishes with relatively high price, the shops are located in central areas, whereas Ediya has concentrated on achieving cost leadership in all value activities as maintaining the quality of key products. Ediya succeeded in achieving best-provider strategy, in which it enjoys both cost leadership and differentiation advantages, largely by the strategic alliance with the biggest coffee manufacturer, Dongsuh Foods in Korea. Conclusions - Though Ediya is the imitator of Starbucks, it has modified Starbucks business models and succeeded in providing the 'third place' experience for budget-minded customers. Ediya has also succeeded in benefiting its franchisees by lowering costs and simplifying the various tasks of coffee shop management. Due to these factors, Ediya could become one of the largest number shops as the coffee franchise in Korea.

Imitation, First Mover, Late Mover, Business Model Innovation, Creative Adaptation



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The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)