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The Role of Brand Knowledge in Explaining Relationship between Brand-Centered Communications and Brand Commitment: Evidence from Public Banks Pakistan

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2019, v.17 no.1, pp.33-45
Muhammad, Shoaib
Salleh, Salniza Md.
Yusr, Maha Mohammed
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Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which internal brand communication (IBC) impacts on brand commitment (BC). Research design, data, and methodology - A structured questionnaire has been built and distributed on a total sample of 650 banking staff working in five public banks in Pakistan. Results - The findings of PLS-SEM revealed that besides the indirect effect of internal brand communication (IBC) on brand commitment via brand knowledge, the study also exposes a direct positive effect of IBC on brand commitment. This study also reveals that brand commitment is affected by brand knowledge and internal brand communication practices. The result of mediation reveals that brand knowledge partially mediated the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Practical implications- This study empirically validates that internal brand communication and brand knowledge are prerequisites for brand commitment. Therefore, managers, particularly in-service enterprises, should provide sufficient IBC practices and appropriate brand knowledge to enhance employees' brand commitment. Conclusions - The comprehensive analysis of the impact of brand knowledge on the proposed relationship. It further adds up to the branding literature, which is mostly qualitative and lacks empirical validation.

Brand Commitment, Brand-Centred Communication, Brand Knowledge, Internal Branding, Public Banks, Pakistan



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The Journal of Distribution Science