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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Multi-Mediation Effects of Personal Self-Congruity and Social SelfCongruity to Perceived Value and Brand Attitude on Chinese Airlines Customers

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.1, pp.35-45
WU, Xuan-Wen
KIM, Moon-Hong


Purpose- This study examines the multi-mediation effect of personal self-congruity and social self-congruity to perceived value and brand attitude on aircraft customers in China. Research design, data and methodology- Survey was conducted on Chinese citizens who had flown via Chinese airlines and lived mainly in the Yangtze River delta. 727 cases were analyzed. SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used to analyze the data. Results - First, perceived economic value has a positive impact on personal self-congruity and social self-congruity but has no effect on brand attitude. Second, perceived functional value has a positive impact on personal self-congruity, social self-congruity, and brand attitude. Third, based on this, perceived economic value is not directly related to brand attitude. However, there is a relationship between perceived functional value and brand attitude, with personal self-congruity and social self-congruity having mediation effects. Conclusions - The Results show that perceived economic and functional value such as competitive airfare, mileage membership, check-in processes, diversified vouchers and coupons, and also basic services such as flight security and flight attendant service having an effect on personal self-congruity. To improve consumer brand attitude, airlines should take into consideration personal self-congruity factors such as their values and lifestyles, and their social self-congruity factors such as their social status and social security.

Perceived Value, Social Self-Congruity, Personal Self-Congruity, Brand Attitude



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The Journal of Distribution Science