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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Relationship of TQM on Managerial Perfomance: Evidence From Property Sector in Indonesia

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.1, pp.47-57
MUSTAPA, Zainuddin
ILYAS, Gunawan Bata
PUTRA, Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma


Purpose: This study seeks to bridge between the research by Lawrence (1999) and Retegan (1992), where the focus of TQM on his studies rests on customer satisfaction. Whereas in this study trying to recompile TQM by involving the variables Innovation and competitive advantage to stimulate managerial performance improvement where performance measurements include various measurements such as financial performance, marketing performance, and production performance in the property industry. Research design, data, and methodology: Total sample are 105 respondents coming from middle to top level of management in the property sector in Indonesia. To empirically prove the results of this study using multiply regression analysis as a test tool for analysis. Results and Findings: The results of this study confirm that TQM has a positive effect on market competition, innovation, and company performance indirectly. However, it does not have a significant impact if it is directly related to TQM on company performance. In this case, TQM for property companies in Indonesia would not have been possible without the role of innovation and market competition. So that the managerial implications of this study also confirm that TQM is essential and feels obligatory to be implemented optimally.

TQM, Innovation, Competitive Advantage, Market Competition



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The Journal of Distribution Science