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The Effect of Relationship Incompatibility on Relationship Termination Intention in B2B Transaction

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.4, pp.51-60
LEE, Hyoungtark
YI, Ho-Tack
SON, Mikyoung
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to derive a strategy to manage the relationship termination intention of the partner in a B2B transaction. To achieve this goal, the relationship compatibility was classified into goal incongruity, domain dissensus, perception difference, and verified the effects of these variables on relationship termination intention. Trust which is well known as a variable which develops the relationship and prevents relationship termination is used as a moderating variable in this study. This study identifies and highlights which relationship incompatibility increases relationship termination intention more when trust is high and when it is low. Research design, data, and methodology: The data of this study were obtained via an interview with 274 purchasing decision makers. Results: It was found that goal incongruity and domain dissensus increased the partner's relationship termination intention. Trust amplified the effect of goal incongruity which increased relationship termination intention, but reduced the effect of domain dissensus which increase relationship termination intention. Conclusions: Through this research, it has emerged that the relationship can be terminated because of high trust. If a partner has a high level of trust in the past in a company, it should take more care not to perceive goal incongruity.

Relationship Termination Intention, Goal Incongruity, Domain Dissensus, Perception Difference, Trust



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The Journal of Distribution Science