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Youth Social Networking Service (SNS) Behavior in Indonesian Culinary Activity

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.4, pp.87-96
SAVILLE, Ramadhona
SATRIA, Hardika Widi
ANSORI, Mukhlas
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Purpose: In this paper, we provide an illustration of Indonesian youth Social Networking Service (SNS) behavior and its relation to their culinary activity. Specifically, their behavior of culinary activity preferences and also the factors affecting their action of spending their money. Data and methodology: We gathered primary data from stratified random questionnaire survey (406 youth). The gathered data was analyzed using text data mining and statistics using R statistical computing language. Results: 1) We found out why our respondents are interested in following the accounts of SNS food influencers: i.e. visually attracted to the posts, as their reference to find places to dine out, as their reference to try new food menu and to get nostalgic feeling about the food. 2) The respondents decide to actually go to the recommended culinary places because of several factors, specifically, its description (visual and text), location, word of mouth (WoM), the experience of being to that place and price. 3) Important factors affecting culinary spent are income, number of following food influencer account, SNS usage time and their interest when looking at WoM. Conclusions: SNS behavior influences Indonesian youth culinary activity preferences and spent.

Social Networking Service (SNS), culinary activity, consumer behavior, youth



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The Journal of Distribution Science