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Qualitative Content Analysis: The Significance of Distributed Leadership and its Role in Education

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.9, pp.65-77
LEE, Hyo-Young
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Purpose: Distributed leadership (DL) is a comprehensive and analytical way to understand how leadership manifests itself among people and in the context of a complex organization. With technological advances and seemingly ever-changing pressures on the environment, it is important for education leaders to represent their practice. This study aims to discuss the significance of DL and its role in education. Research design, data and methodology: The present researcher used Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) because it is credible, transferable, dependable, and confirmable proving its trustworthiness. To begin with, QCA entails a sufficient representation of the social realities being studied, credibility. Results: The investigation of this study indicates that the documents are in the proper functioning of schools to highlight the potential impact of collaborative practices, many of which require sharing school fees. DL can be meant as "influence relationships," discussions in groups, government, and non-leaders, about how teachers influence each other, and teamwork was easy. Conclusions: This study suggests that management can significantly impact organizational changes in management practices to distribute or skip something planned. DL is not a panacea, plan, or formula. Rather, it is a way to get under the skin of local leadership and restore the potential for change in the organization.

Distributed Leadership, Autholity Distribution, Education Science



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The Journal of Distribution Science