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The Influence of Price Discount Preannouncing in the Distribution Process on Regret and Price Fairness Perception

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2022, v.20 no.1, pp.87-98
KANG, Min-Jung
HWANG, Hee-Joong
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Purpose: This research investigates whether the existence of preannouncing price discount before purchase has an effect on after regret about purchasing and price fairness perception. Moreover, this paper examines whether the preannouncing effects on regret (or price fairness perception) are moderated by motive inference type (or brand trust). Research design, data and methodology: This experimental design consisted of total 8 between-subjects full factorial, which is completed by 2 (preannouncing price discount before purchase) × 2 (motive inference type) × 2 (consumer's brand trust level). Results: First, regret (or price fairness) differs depending on the presence/absence of preannouncing price discount before purchase and price discount motive inference type. Second, interaction effect of preannouncing price discount presence/absence before purchase and price discount motive inference type on regret (or price fairness) after purchase differs depending on motive inference type (or brand trust). Conclusions: Preannouncing external cue could decrease the possibility of consumers to regret and prevent consumers perceiving price change as unfair. Thus, corporations should sufficiently explain to consumers about preannouncing and specific reason of price fall in order to decrease regret caused by price fall and to increase price fairness perception from preannouncing effect.

Price Discount, Preannouncing, Discount Motive Inference Level Type, Consumer's Brand Trust, Regret, Price Fairness Perception



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The Journal of Distribution Science