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Assessing Interactions Among Omnichannel Attributes, Customer Perceptions, Customer Experience, Channel Selection

Assessing Interactions Among Omnichannel Attributes, Customer Perceptions, Customer Experience, Channel Selection

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS) / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2022, v.20 no.3, pp.1-11
NGUYEN, Hai Ninh (School of International Business and Economics, Foreign Trade University)
NGUYEN, Anh Duc (School of International Business and Economics, Foreign Trade University)
  • 다운로드 수
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Purpose: This study aims at understanding the impacts of three omnichannel attributes (channel transparency, channel uniformity, channel convenience) and four customer perceptions (perceived innovativeness, perceived personalization, perceived risk, perceived credibility) on customer experience and channel selection decision. Research design and methodology: A quantitative online survey with 356 shoppers was executed. The partial least squares linear structural model (PLS-SEM) and Smart PLS were adopted to analyze the collected data and test the proposed hypotheses. Results: The research findings indicate four dominant results: (i) The customers' channel selection is directly determined by customer experience; perceived innovativeness; perceived personalization; perceived risk; and perceived credibility; and (ii) among these, the perceived risk shows negative impact on the customer's experience and customers' channel selection whereas others reveal the positive status; (iii) The customer experience represents the most decisive impact on the channel selection, then perceived personalization, perceived credibility, perceived innovativeness, and perceived risk. (iv) Three proposed channel attributes (transparency, uniformity, convenience) significantly influence the overall customer experience. Conclusions: This research adds to the body of knowledge in omnichannel retailing, customer experience, and customer channel selection. Furthermore, this research provides omnichannel retailers with practical implications for improving customer channel selection.

Omnichannel Attributes, Customer perceptions, Customer Experience, Channel Selection



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The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)