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The Triangulation Model Distribution of Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Knowledge, and Entrepreneurship Mindset

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2022, v.20 no.9, pp.47-59
MOHD, Othman bin
MOHAMAD, Norhidayah binti
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Purpose: This study aims to analyze a triangulation model: 1) the effect of entrepreneurship education (EE) on entrepreneurship knowledge (EK) and entrepreneurship mindset (EM) and 2) the effect of EK on EM. Entrepreneurship education is a medium and pedagogical tool to cultivate EK and EM with the purpose enhancing of students who will be interested in entrepreneurial activities. Knowledge of adequate entrepreneurship is a stimulus strategic tool to develop the entrepreneurial mindset of students. Research design, data, and methodology: There were 278 respondents from Business and Non-Business both Indonesian and Malaysian students. The research design was quantitative and evaluated three hypotheses by PLS-SEM using WarpPLS v.7 software. Statistic descriptive for respondent used SPSS IBM v.26. Results: The results showed that the three hypotheses had supported with a significant level of p-value < 0.001. It's meant EE enhanced both EK and EM. Furthermore, increasing EM was not only by EE, but also EM could be increased through EK. Conclusions: The novelty of this research contributes to filling the knowledge gap in the development of pedagogy in the pursuit of entrepreneurship using a triangulation model of the relationship among EE, EK, and EM.

Triangulation Model Distribution, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Entrepreneurship Mindset, PLS SEM



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The Journal of Distribution Science