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윤명길(서울보건대학 유통경영과) ; 김유오(일본유통과학대학 유통과학연구과) pp.1-22

국내 유통산업의 외형적 성장에 비하여 유통이론에 관한 연구가 균형을 이루지 못하고, 유통이론에 대한 체계적인 접근이나 연구방법, 대상 등에 대한 연구가 시행되지 않은 상황에서 본고에서 지금까지 단편적으로, 그리고 지엽적으로 연구된 유통이론에 대하여 다각적인 방면에서의 논의와 정립의 필요성을 느끼게 된 바, 윤명길 외(2004) 이어 본 연구는 국내 실정에 맞는 유통이론을 학문적으로 정립을 위하여 유통의 계보와, 연구 대상, 연구방법에 대한 유통이론(론) 차원의 접근을 시도하고자 하였으며, 그 연구 방법을 제안하였다. 연구가 국내 유통이론 정립에 기여하기를 바라는 마음에서 시작되지만, 부족한 부분이 있다는 것은 두말할 필요가 없을 것이다. 작은 바람이 있다면, 유통 이론 분야에 많은 연구자들의 참여를 통하여 진전된 연구가 되기를 바라며, 유통이론의 유입국에서 유출국으로 기대를 가져본다.


Distribution, Commerce, Marketing, Definition

김용한(인하대학교 경영대학) ; 배무언(인하대학교 경영대학) pp.23-42


The service offer expectation and the desire of customers to a large-sized rate influence store also increase as a result of such environmental change. the counter where research of a book was upgraded from differentiation pursuit by competition between business condition in business condition in the case of the domestic rate influence store which has put the focus on service strengthening The work shrine which cannot reach here the competition predominance in the domestic market it will be hard coming to secure, when environmental change of inside large-sized rate influence store industry is taken into consideration The research which tried to receive customer service failure recovery carried out actual proof analysis in the influence to which fair nature lateness of a customer attains to the re-purchase intention to this store of customer satisfaction and future by service recovery process for an object in the customer who held service failure recovery experience in the domestic large-sized rate influence store.

김유오(일본유통과학대학 유통과학연구과) pp.43-67


Recently retail market has been rapidly expanded in the large cities of in Korea and the competition among individual companies in retail market is also being increased. Tenant MD of mixing is one of the most important factor for the company to continuously operate or to fail. The aim of this study is to examine the processes of systematically evaluating the merchandising of the established companies in retail market a part of chain operation in discount store. The basic problem of decision making in general and tenant MD of mixing in particular is to choose a best one in a set of competing alternatives that are evaluated under conflicting criteria. The purpose of research of a paper carries out a duty searching examination with making a tenant MD include by retail research, simultaneously defined when I will show an example for the tenant mix of the profitability side of the domestic discount store market which is tenant MD importance proposing the existing problem arrangement by chain operation management, and is intensifying - tenant MD of standardization in discount store of T-company.

이상윤(명지대학교 유통정보연구센터) pp.69-90


In research of a paper, the comparative study of the various precedence management result evaluation indices tends to be made, and it is going to show the improvement bill of the new franchise headquarters management result evaluation index by the equilibrium result table which compensated the problem stated from the contents of precedence research about the existing franchise management result evaluation index, and was corrected.

김홍섭(인천시립전문대학 e비즈니스과) pp.91-111


As the environments of world economy have been changed so rapidly, the conditions of marketing and distribution also have been altered. In korea distribution industry has been changed according to the introduction of various patterns of distribution and marketing. Among them the emerging of network marketing, same meaning with multi-level marketing in this research, is a important phenomenon of distribution industry in Korea. Not only it contributes the progress of national economy, especially distribution industry, but also it includes some limitations and criticism from the dissenters. In this paper, the clear definitions and characteristics of network marketing are suggested. And the current situations of network marketing in this country has been analyzed and compared, The future perspectives and problems of this network marketing have been diagnosed and classified for the future development and contribution for national economy. The various alternatives for the future development of network marketing have been studied and suggested in terms of each role of this industry such as distributers, consumers and government. Though this paper has a small contribution, it contains many limitations for research. Therefore it suggest future directions for further research.

김진환(한국방송통신대학교 무역학과) pp.113-131


This study aims to look into how we Korean ports can improve NODE competitiveness among northern-east region of Asia, and to examine a conceptual as well as practical methodology approach to be applied in terms of cluster. Also many other researches have done to take out the conclusion, which is environmental aspects as economic and logistical one in terms of northern-east region of Asia, basic concept with NODE, and matters concerning seaport from the viewpoint of hub-spoke, etc. Then finally it is suggested that we Korea has to concentrate on seaport, which is equipped with logistics cluster provide into value added logistics, in order to keep and gain the NODE competitiveness in northern-east region of Asia.

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)