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A Study about the Determinant Factors of the Customer Service Quality on the Department Stores in Chongju

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2006, v.4 no.2, pp.107-122
Lee, Jae-hak
Han, Jeung-gu
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Modern companies are trying to find out the core value of companies' competition to survive at the suddenly changing market by finding several kinds of consumption. This is also getting more serious in the case of the department stores and their mutual relationships are seen getting more warlike. On the occasion of the department stores, the reduction of the cost and the expansion of profits are the methods of short survival, however these have some danger that depreciate the quality level of the service produced to clients. Therefore, for the department stores, the establishment of strategic plans for the service can be said that the most important strategy of superior achievements of competitions. At this point, the purpose of this study is to abstract the service quality facts for the diversified customers' needs and find for possibilities of application at the service marketing strategy through an actual analysis by examining department stores in Chongju.

백화점, 청주지역, 서비스품질, 고객만족

The Journal of Distribution Science