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Differences in recognizing the emotional facial expressions of diverse races in Korean children and undergraduates


This study was conducted to test the differences in the recognition of emotional facial expressions of various races. Participants were 257 Korean children in the fifth and sixth grades and 120 undergraduates. Emotional face recognition was measured using 32 pictures of facial expressions (happy, sad, angry, fear) of four different races (Korean, Southeast Asian, Caucasian, African American). There were cross-race differences in emotional face recognition. The facial expressions of Koreans were more accurately recognized than were those of other races, and among other races, the facial expressions of Southeast Asians were more accurately recognized than were those of Caucasian or African Americans. Though the facial expressions of Koreans were more accurately recognized than were those of other races for both age groups, differences were greater among undergraduates than among fifth- and sixth-grade children. The results suggest that the developmental change in emotional face recognition is greater for the facial expressions of other races than for those of Koreans.

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