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The Relations among Shame/Guilt-proneness, Response style and School adjustment


In this study we explored structural correlations among adolescent proneness to shame and guilt, ruminative and reflective response styles, and school adjustment as well as gender differences in these correlations. We found significant correlations for all factors except proneness to shame and school adjustment. The results of the structural equation modeling for each factor show that proneness to shame predicts school maladjustment, ruminative response, and reflective response. In addition, proneness to guilt and ruminative response predict school adjustment. The results of the mediation analysis indicate that a reflective response style has an indirect effect in the relationship between proneness to shame and school adjustment as well as the relationship between proneness to guilt and school adjustment. Greater proneness to guilt increased the level of school adjustment via response style; similarly, greater proneness to shame decreased the level of school maladjustment via response style. We also found significant gender differences in the path coefficients. In male adolescents, a reflective response style mediates the relationship between proneness to shame and school adjustment; moreover, proneness to shame decreased the negative effect on school adjustment.

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