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메뉴The purposes of this study are to classify married people's sexual communication style, to examine the influences of each sexual communication style on quality of sex life and components of love, and to identify the differences in quality of sex life and components of love according to sexual communication style, demographic characteristics and marriage and sex life-related characteristics of subjects. Data used for this study were collected with questionnaire from 295 married men and women aged from 20s to 40s of Seoul, Kyong-ki, and In-cheon, Korea. The Questionnaire was composed of The Measure of Sexual Self-Disclosure, Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory(DSFI), Sexual Attitude Scale, Sexual Assertiveness Scale, Dyadic Sexual Regulation Scale, Likelihood of Consenting to Unwanted Sex, Jewish General Hospital(JGH) Sexual Self-Monitoring Form, Sexual Intimacy Scale, and The Sternberg Triangular Love Scale. The statistical methods adopted for data analysis were cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, and two-way ANOVA. As the results of this study, sexual communication style was classified into four groups: reciprocal style, speculative style, self-centered style, passive style. Reciprocal style represented the highest levels of quality of sex life and love among four sexual communication styles. On the other hand, Speculative style represented the lowest levels of quality of sex life and love among four sexual communication styles. There were significant differences in self-centered style and passive style according to the levels of Sexual Attitude, Consenting to Unwanted Sex, and Sexual Regulation. Quality of sex life and love has significant differences on sex, age, and period of marriage. Finally, implication and limitation of this study were discussed.
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