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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The relationship between attachment and subjective well-being in middle school students: the difference between implicit and explicit attachment


The purpose of the study was to examine (1) how the attachment and subjective well-being differ according to gender, and (2) the different contribution of implicit and explicit attachment to subjective well-being in middle school students. The subjects in this study were 174 middle school students in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon Province. The results of this study were as follows. First, there were significant gender difference in positive affect and life satisfaction, while no gender difference in implicit, explicit attachment and negative affect. Second, the words used in the two sets of Implicit Association Test were classifiable and most students had more positive implicit attitudes of the self and their mother than of other people. Third, there were significant relationship between explicit attachment and three components of subjective well-being across gender, whereas the relationship between implicit attachment and subjective well-being differed according to gender. Fourth, explicit attachment predicted three components of subjective well-being in both boys and girls. In contrast, implicit attachment explained subjective well-being differently according to gender. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were discussed.

attachment, Implicit Association Test(IAT), subjective well-being, middle school students, 애착, 암묵적 연합 검사(IAT), 주관적 안녕감, 중학생



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology