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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Effect of Service Innovativeness of IT Service Centers: Mediating Role of Behavior Intention

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2013, v.11 no.10, pp.17-25
Kim, So-Hyung
Kang, Min-Jeong


Purpose - This study analyzes the effect of customers' perceived service innovativeness of service centers for electronic goods, on repurchase intentions of customers, using behavior intentions of service centers as a mediator variable. In customer management and customer relationship marketing, service centers can be the most representative customer relationship management departments because they are most closely placed at the interface with customers. In addition, this study intends to investigate if continuous relationship with customers during one-time product-selling can affect their repurchase intentions. Specifically, this research aims to investigate if the expansion of the saturated physical market of the manufacturing business, to intangible service markets, can be competitive enough to satisfy customer needs. Research design, data, and methodology - This study targets college students, and especially those who have computers, digital cameras, or cell-phones, and often use electronic products and services. In order to investigate our hypothesis, we analyzed dates through SEM (structural equation modeling) using SPSS for Windows 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. In addition, we measured Cronbach's α coefficient using SPSS for Windows 18.0 in order to measure reliability. Further, using AMOS 18.0, this research statistically measured convergent validity as well as discriminant validity, and examined mediation models and path models in which service innovativeness leads to customers' repurchase intentions of electronic products. Results - As a result, this research shows that customers' perceived service innovativeness of service centers for electronic goods has significant positive influence on customers' behavior intentions of service centers. In addition, service innovativeness of electronic goods' service centers also has significant positive influence on repurchase intentions of customers. Conclusion - This study investigates the effect of customers' positive relation with the innovativeness of electronic service center on their behavior intention and product repurchase. The more concrete, important results of the study are as follows. Through the mediating effect, the findings of the study suggest that customers' behavior intentions of service centers partially mediate the effect of customers'perceived service innovativeness of service centers for electronic goods on customers' repurchase intentions. This research also provides an insight that the importance of service innovativeness and innovative approaches in managing customers should be recognized in the process of repurchase and service roles of manufacturing business as a way for customer management. As a result, the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality of service centers for the electronic products is very sensitive. Although previous studies focus on certain aspects of the case for enhancing service innovation (Kim, 2012), this research recommends that the service centers need to understand the customers'desire first and try to adapt to achieve customer satisfaction by being innovative. This innovativeness of service centers would make customers visit them consistently, which in the long run, will also influence their repurchase decisions.

Service Innovativeness, Customers' Behavior Intention of Service Center, Repurchase Intention, Mediator



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The Journal of Distribution Science