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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

A Study on the Effects of the Consumer Attitude toward Visual Merchandising on Brand Equity and Brand Attitude: Focused on Bakery Shops

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2013, v.11 no.6, pp.67-80
Cho, Joon-Sang


Purpose - This study aims to establish the relationships among brand equity, brand attitudes, and Visual Merchandising (VMD) in bakery stores. The results will help bakery franchisees and franchisers in devising appropriate strategies for successfully managing their bakery shops. Research design, data, and methodology - The VMD model for bakery shops comprises harmony, attractiveness, suitability, pandemic, functionality, and reliability. Further, brand equity encompasses brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand image. In this study, the VMD factors of bakery shops are used as independent variables, while brand equity and brand attitude are used as dependent variables. This study aims to ascertain the extent of the influence VMD components of bakery shops have on brand equity and brand attitude. Regression analysis was used to verify those effects. The measurement items, deemed reliable and valid in a previous study, were modified for this study. Questionnaires were distributed to 500 consumers nationwide, of whom 340 were used for the sample. The SPSS 19.0 statistical program was used for the analysis. Results - First, among the VMD bakery shop components, harmony, attractiveness, and pandemic have a positive impact on brand equity (brand awareness and brand image). Second, amongst the VMD components of bakery shops, attractiveness, pandemic, and reliability have a positive impact on brand equity (perceived quality). Third, amongst the VMD components of bakery shops, harmony, attractiveness, and reliability have a positive impact on brand attitude. Fourth, brand equity (brand awareness, brand image, and perceived quality) have a positive effect on brand attitude. Conclusions - This study identifies the relationships between the VMD components of a bakery shop and brand equity and attitude in order to propose a new model. The study has several practical implications. First, the development of brand equity and management can be important components in bakery shops' determination of whether their VMD components have an impact on brand equity. Second, among VMD components, harmony and attractiveness have a positive influence on the choice of bakery shop, while reliability and pandemic have a partly positive influence on the choice of bakery shop. Therefore, store atmospheres should be attractively designed, and store menus and interiors should be reviewed periodically to conform to the latest trends. This study suggests marketing strategies for brand equity formation. First, providing collateral product quality, hygiene, and safety benefits as well as product offerings to complement the season and employees' services should be considered. Second, display methods, illumination designs, and new product ideas should be periodically reviewed. Third, these should complement the overall harmony of the interior and exterior and of the store atmosphere in order to be attractive. Funds should thus be dedicated specifically for the facilities and their interiors. Fourth, it is necessary to build a friendly and relaxed image that can be easily called to mind by the customers.

VMD(Visual Merchandising), Consumer Attitude, Brand Equity, Brand Attitude, Bakery Shops



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The Journal of Distribution Science