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서비스 종사자의 개인-직무적합성이 감정지능 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Study on Effects of Person-Job Fit of High Touching Service Employees on Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS) / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2016, v.14 no.4, pp.81-92
김유경 (Dept. of Business Administration, Silla University)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Purpose - In recent years, management scholars have expressed growing interest in the concept of person-Job fit because of having many benefits for employees' attitudes and behaviors. The related research is needed to determine what specific types of fit are related to each other, and to get important individual outcomes. Person-job fit of employees in service organization plays an important role in company as well as person in service industry. Person-job fit, representing the consistency between person (service provider) and job (service provided to the customers), gives significant and positive effects on the attitude and behavior of service provider. On the basis of the study background, the purpose of this study is as follows. First, we would like to examine the effects of person-job fit of service provider on their emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is divided into four sub-factors such as self-understanding, understanding others, emotional utilization, and emotional regulation. Second, we would like to identify the relationships between job satisfaction and sub-factors such as self-understanding, understanding others, emotional utilization, and emotional regulation. Research design, data, and methodology - We performed structural equation model using Spss 18.0 and Amos 20.0 in order to verify the hypotheses. Subjects were golf service assistants who were high-touching service with high degree in interaction and long contact time with customers. 178 out of the total 200 surveys were used in evaluation from helpers of golf service working as full-time service provider after selecting two locations of golf course located near Busan. From the evaluation of reliability and validity with variables used in this research, they satisfied and confirmed certain standard. Results - The results are as follows. First, as the results of identifying the relationships between person-job fit and emotional intelligence of service provider, person-job fit did not have positive and significant effect on self-understanding. On the other hand, it affected positively and significantly other factors in emotional intelligence such as emotion to others, emotional utilization, and emotional regulation. Second, as the results of identifying the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, sub-factors in emotional intelligence such as emotion to others, emotional utilization, and emotional regulation except self-emotion affected significantly and positively job satisfaction. However, self-emotion did not have significant and positive effects on job satisfaction. Conclusion - These results will be valuable and used for service providers. In addition, many service providers will recognize that person-job fit is very important to get a job. This research has a purpose on the assumption that appropriateness between individual and task in service industry shall act as major influence in emotional intelligence of service provider. Recognitive ability of service provider is also very important per characteristics of service, but emotional intelligence that interacts and connected directly with most customers can be a very meaningful factor as well. Emotional intelligence allows people to recognize, understand, and empathize the emotion of customers shall be a positive reinforcement for customers to evaluate the service ultimately.

Person-Job Fit, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Understanding, Understanding Others, Emotional Utilization, Emotional Regulation, Job Satisfaction



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The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)