Purpose - Korean Wave that overspreads around Asia and America, especially the Korean beauty wave, has reached Mongolia and Mongolian consumers. Mongolia consumers usually prefer foreign cosmetic brands to local brands, because the local brands cannot satisfy fast changing needs and wants of local consumers. Research design, data, and methodology - Based on previous studies about life style of Mongolian consumers, advertisement properties and consumer behaviors, we propose a research model and related hypothesis. In order to test hypotheses, we analyzed 366 survey data out of 376 by eliminating improper 10 responses. Factor analysis and reliability analysis was conducted by SPSS 22.0. We used multiple regression analysis and parameter analysis to test the relation between variables. Results - As exploring the Mongolian consumers' current usage of cosmetic products, we found that the customers' focus is how the products fit with their skin. Mongolian consumers often get the information about cosmetic products through TV and internet. Mongolian consumers show positive attitudes on the appearance of Korean celebrities in responsibility, while there is no significant effect on attractiveness. Mongolian consumer's behaviors toward brand have positive effect on both responsibility and attractiveness of Korean commercial celebrities. Responsibility and attractiveness of Korean commercial celebrities have positive effect on the behaviors toward advertisements of cosmetic products. Conclusions - Behaviors toward advertisements of cosmetic products have positive effect on both purchase intention and loyalty of customer. Responsibility and attractiveness of Korean commercial celebrities have positive effect on mediating variable of behavior toward advertisement and independent variable of purchase intention. Responsibility and attractiveness of Korean commercial celebrities have positive effect on mediating variable of behavior toward advertisement and independent variable of loyalty of customer. In order to improve the effect of advertisements, firms need to consider not only the technique of the model but also the image of model in regard to trust and professionalism appealing to consumers. In addition, firms need to choose the model who fits in with the image of the firms and the products and service of the firms. Finally, Mongolian consumers tend to acquire the shopping information through TV advertisements, especially featuring Korean popular stars, thus, TV advertisements can be a wise option in Mongolian cosmetic market.
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