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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Examination of Consumer Purchase Intention for Foreign Infant Foods in China

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2017, v.15 no.3, pp.49-60
Wu, Shi-Yuan
Yoon, Ki-Chang


Purpose - The aims of this study are follows. We investigated to find out how country image and brand image affect the consumer perceived value, consumer attitude, and purchase intention of foreign infant foods in China. Especially, we focused on investigate for the moderating role of consumer knowledge between national image, brand image and consumer perceived value of foreign infant foods in China. Research design, data, and methodology - This study analyzed the effect of national image and brand image on purchase intention through consumer perceived value and consumer attitude. This study collected data for empirical analysis of Chinese consumers who have been purchase experience infant foods in China. 256 copies of questionnaire data were used for substantial analysis. Before testing the hypothesis, factor analysis was conducted to test the construct validity of measurement items. Hypotheses about effects between variables were verified using structural equation modeling analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Results - First, the country image had a positive effect on consumer perceived value of foreign infant foods. Second, the brand image had a positive effect on consumer perceived value of foreign infant foods. Third, the consumer perceived value had a positive effect on consumer attitude. Fourth, the consumer attitude had a positive effect on purchase intention. Fifth, the consumer knowledge was moderating roles between brand image and consumer perceived value of foreign infant foods. However, the consumer knowledge did not effect of moderating between country image and perceived value of consumers. Conclusions - First, the impact of country image and brand image on consumer perceived value of foreign infant foods in China can be seen as a universal psychology of consumers who trust pure foreign products such as high quality, technology, etc. Second, consumer perceived value of foreign infant foods has a positive effect on consumer attitude, and this attitude is leading to purchase intention. Third, the consumer knowledge between brand image and perceived value acts as a moderating variable. It means that the consumer's knowledge can shape the perception of the brand image more strongly.

Country Image, Brand Image, Perceived Value, Consumer Attitude, Purchase Intention, Consumer Knowledge



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The Journal of Distribution Science