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Improvement Factors on Management Performance of Global Distribution Franchise Firms

Improvement Factors on Management Performance of Global Distribution Franchise Firms

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS) / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2018, v.16 no.3, pp.33-47
Coo, Byung-Mo (Dept. of International Business and Management, Hansei University)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to derive the performance improvement factors of courier corporations that operate global franchise systems as business strategies through their brands and to determine. Research design, data, and methodology - In the first study, 129 valid questionnaire sheets were analyzed. In the second study intended to determine whether the four performance improvement factors derived in the first study have positive effects on franchisees' business performance, 781 valid questionnaire sheets secured from six GDFFs were analyzed using AMOS analysis. Results - In the first study, four performance improvement factors were derived. In the second study, hypotheses regarding whether the performance improvement factors: leadership, communication, education and training, and brand, have positive effects on franchisees' business performance were tested, and as a result, one hypothesis was rejected and three hypotheses were adopted. Conclusions - The first and largest contribution of this study is that it derived performance improvement factors from GDFFs. The second contribution is that it determined whether the performance improvement factors that were derived have positive effects on franchisees' business performance with tests. The third contribution is that it created significant implications in terms of other studies, research value, and applications in industry fields.

Improvement Factors, Franchise System, Global Distribution Firm



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The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)