ISSN : 1738-3110
The latest flow in Korea's distribution market is characterized by the deterioration of small/medium distribution market due to the rapid growth of multinational discount stores. As various multinational discount stores have merged with Korean discount stores (Homever acquired Carrefour and E-Mart acquired Wal-Mart), these discount stores have enlarged in size and dominated the market. On the contrary, small/medium distributors with relatively weak infrastructures are losing competitiveness in the market. Traditional marketplaces in local areas, in particular, are facing a serious crisis as they are neglected in the depressed local markets and have been beaten by the increasing discount stores and the diversifying distributors. The purpose of this study was to propose alternative plans to revitalize traditional marketplaces that are endangered by the unbalanced development of the distribution industry. This study analyzed the distribution performances and problems of Daejeon Metropolitan City and used the analysis to point out the problems specific to traditional marketplaces and propose a way to revitalize them. I hope that this study can help discount stores and small/medium distributors find balance in the market, and give traditional marketplaces the competitiveness to pursue sustainable growth.
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