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Antecedents and Consequences of Supplier's fairness perception

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2011, v.9 no.2, pp.61-72
Kim, Do-Heon
Kim, Sang-Deok
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The object of this research is to examine the factors leading to intercompany win-win by finding the antecedents and consequences that affect a supplier's fairness perception. We assume that the antecedent factors of a supplier's fairness perception are vertical coordination, cooperation support, information sharing, and legalistic plea. We assume that the consequential factors of a supplier's fairness perception are supply chain dependence and supply chain flexibility. The object industry is an electronic parts manufacturing company. We tested our model by using the SPSS 17.0 and the LISREL 8.5. For measurement validation, we verified by using a confirmatory factor analysis and a reliability analysis. For hypothesis analysis, we did a path analysis with the LISREL 8.5. By checking the modification index and expecting parameter changes, we modified the model. First, the buyer's vertical coordination had a positive effect on the supplier's distributive fairness perception and procedural fairness perception. Second, the buyer's cooperation support had no effect on the supplier's distributive fairness perception and procedural fairness perception: we suppose that the buyer's requests were burdensome, although they cooperated with the supplier. Third, the buyer's information sharing had a positive effect on distributive fairness perception but had no direct effect on procedural fairness perception. Fourth, the buyer's legalistic plea had a negative effect on the supplier's distributive fairness perception. and a negative effect on the supplier's procedural fairness perception at a 0.1 significance level. Fifth, although procedural fairness perception had no direct effect on supply chain dependence, fairness perception had an effect on supply chain dependence and supply chain flexibility both directly and indirectly.

수직적 조정, 협력지원, 정보공유, 법계약적지배, 공정성, 공급체인 의존성, 공급체인 유연성, 상생



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The Journal of Distribution Science