ISSN : 1229-0718
The main purpose of this study was to explore the positive effects of grateful disposition on subjective well-being and relationships among grateful disposition, social relation and self-esteem in female elders. Data was collected in Busan from fifty normal female elders and fifty low-income female elders living alone receiving social welfare services. The results were as follows. First, low-income female elders living alone reported more gratitude on their nation and volunteers to support them while normal female elders reported more gratitude on their family and themselves. Second, grateful disposition was positively correlated with subjective well-being and self-esteem in both of the two groups, while social relations such as offspring relation and friendship was positively correlated with grateful disposition only in normal female group. Third, amount of variance in subjective well-being explained by grateful disposition was 19.9% after controlling demographic variables, and 14.0% after controlling both demographic variables and friendship in low-income female elders, while in normal female elders, it was 19.8% after controlling demographic variables, and 8.9% after controlling both demographic variables and offspring relation and friendship. The findings suggest that grateful disposition may have a greater positive impact in low-income female elders.
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