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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The ability to infer a speaker’s epistemic certainty based on the information source conveyed by evidential morphemes develops well into 6 years. However, 3–4-year-olds could accomplish this when the source was marked by lexical verbs, and 5-year-olds’ performance improved if the accuracy of the source of hearsay was available. The present study re-examined 5–6-year-olds’ evidential reasoning abilities when the choice of testimony is relevant to the child’s eventual gain and when three sources are contrasts simultaneously. We presented three animals’ testimony—each based on direct experience, inference from indirect evidence, and hearsay—to children and asked them to find a hidden sticker using the most reliable testimony. Six-year-olds, as well as 5-year-olds, could reliably select testimony based on direct experience, suggesting that evidential reasoning ability develops earlier than 6 years. Furthermore, children showed a tendency to trust hearsay over indirect evidence sources, showing the pattern of hierarchy different from proposed by general evidential hierarchy.
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