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메뉴This study consisted of two parts. Study 1 developed role orientation scale, Study 2 investigated difference in preference of three factors(sextype, prestige, interest of occupation) by women's role orientation regarding the compromise process in career choice of 827 female undergraduate students. This study added individual variable and career aspiration level to Gottfredson's(1981) postulation. In order to measure preference of three factors, this study used pair comparison method of occupational condition. As a result of study 1, role orientation scale had reliability and validity. As a result of study 2, the difference of three factors was significant, and interaction effect of role orientation and the difference of three factors was significant. As a contrast analysis, in idealistic career aspiration level, dual career oriented group and career oriented group had preferred interest> prestige>sextype, home oriented group had preferred interest>sextype>prestige. In weak realistic career aspiration, dual career oriented group had preferred interest>sextype>prestige, and career oriented group had preferred interest> prestige>sextype, home oriented group had preferred interest=sextype>prestige. In strong realistic career aspiration, dual career oriented group had preferred sextype>interest>prestige, and career oriented group had preferred interest> prestige>sextype, and home oriented group had preferred sextype> interest>prestige. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed and the future directions of study were suggested.
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