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메뉴The purpose of this study is to reflect on nature of men and women, especially on women's sexuality and relationships between opposit sex from the Lacanian viewpoints. In this framework, women and men aren't divided into natural and psycho-physiological categories but sociocultural ones. Father who symbols sociocultural laws, which impose prohibitions over the human beings, and mother who does unconditional primitive love, are agencies of socialization. Through socialization, human's nature such as sexuality is repressed and human beings acquire the symbolic systems such as language and social rules, so that animal-like beings are transformed into sociocultural ones who can endure lacking, incompleteness and dissatisfaction. Sexual differentiation appears in the processes of the solution of the Oedipus complex, so that girls and boys acquire the typical sex roles. There is no universal and typical feminine, and so called typical feminine properties, made in man-centered societies, belong to men's symptoms. There is no place for the woman in the world of symbols, therefore the definition of the woman ought to depend on signifier for the man. Human beings partly can't know each other and satisfy one's desires completely, because there is an unknown wall, so called unconsciousness, between subjects. So frustration necessarily follows human beings, and love which binds two people to be one could bring about just in fantasies.
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