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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Self-Esteem as a Mediator Between Instrumentality, Gender Role Conflict and Depression in Korean Middle-aged Men


This study examined the effect of self-esteem as a mediator of the relationship between instrumentality, gender role conflict and depression in 124 Korean middle-aged men with structural equation modeling. The hypothesized model fitted to materials. Results indicated that instrumentality was not directly influenced depression, but demonstrated indirect effect through the mediation of self-esteem, whereas gender role conflict demonstrated direct and indirect effect through the mediation of self-esteem. These results were consistent with the literature. These results suggest the need to consider the positive aspects and negative aspects of male gender role when we need to understand and counsel middle-aged men. Both directions for future research and the implications for counselors are discussed.

Gender role, Gender role conflict, Instrumentality, Self-esteem, Depression, 남성 성역할, 도구성, 성역할 갈등, 자기존중감, 우울, 중년 남성성역할은 한 사회 문화 안에서 남성 혹은 여성에게 적절한 것으로 간주되고 기대되는 행동을 말한다(O'Neil, 1981). 1970년대의 여성운동과 1980년대의 일부 남성 연구자들은 여성 및 남성 각각의 성역할 사회화가 각각에게 비합리적인 제한을 가한다고 제안하였다(O'Neil, Helms, Gable, David, Wrightsman, 1986, Sharpe, Heppner, Gender role, Gender role conflict, Instrumentality, Self-esteem, Depression



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology