The purpose of this study is to confirm what the stress factors are in performing their jobs among librarians in Public libraries. The study further investigates to figure out the difference of the degree in cognition of job stress according to demographic characteristics of individuals and the impacts of the stress factors on job satisfaction. A survey was conducted for the study sending questionaires to 113 librarians working in 14 Public libraries in Pusan. The results of the study are followings: 1) Females experience higher job stress than males. 2) The younger the age, the higher the job stress. Also, the shorter the year at work, the higher the job stress. 3) The lower the license class, the higher the job stress. Also, singles than married have higher job stress. 4) In the impacts of stress factors on job satisfaction, role conflict is the most powerful factor, and then role overload, career development, role underload, role ambiguity and interpersonal relation, each in order.
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