The purpose of this paper is to development an algorithm for FRBR implementation(functional requirements for bibliographic records), analyzing KORMARC bibliographic records by work types. For this purpose, it was utilized analyzing home and foreign case studies including OCLC and LC's algorithm. Analyzing the experimental data from the Korean National Library's bibliographic records, it was extracted from identifying elements by FRBR's four bibliographic entities. To cluster a related works by work-set, the algorithm was designed to construct the authorized access points as a combination of an author name and a title from the record. I suggested that it should be wholly improved a quality of existing bibliographic records and level of data input to development a FRBR algorithm in Korean libraries.
The purpose of this study is to provide users with satisfactory information services that are utilizing Voice of the Customers(VOC). Voice of the Customers(VOC) toward organizations that provide information services is important information for decision-making to improve customer satisfaction and information services. K institute manages customer requests and feedbacks for NDSL(National Digital Science Library) using the Voice of the Customer Management System(VCMS). In this study, we analyzed the total number of 1,738 VOCs and suggested improvement strategies for information services. The results can be utilized as basic information by libraries and information centers that provide information services through analysis of VOC.
도서관 서비스 품질은 특정 서비스에 대한 이용자의 주관적 의미를 기준으로 하기 때문에 개별 기대수준에 따라만족과 불만족으로 구분할 수 있다. 따라서 공공도서관에서 시행하고 있는 도서관 서비스도 결국은 이용자의 기댓값에따라 도서관서비스에 대한 평가도 좌우될 수 있다. 이 연구는 고양시 공공도서관을 대상으로 도서관 서비스에 대한만족도 조사이다. 만족도의 조사 결과, 고양시민들의 공공도서관 서비스 만족의 선호순위는 1) 시설, 2) 문화프로그램및 강좌, 3) 사서친절도, 4) 소장자료의 순으로 나타났다. 이러한 선호순위의 내재된 의미를 파악하기 위해 1) 도서관공간에 기대수준, 2) 도서관 사서에 대한 기대수준, 3) 이용자가 새롭게 희망하는 서비스, 4) 도서관에서 희망하는강좌 등을 연령별,직 업별 로 분석하였다. 전통적인 도서관 이용법에 대한 요구는 연령이 높아지면서 나타났다. 또한외부 강사활용과 같은 도서관외부자원을 활용한 서비스는 취업이나 예술강좌 등이었으며, 도서관 내 자원을 활용하는독서강좌 등에 대한 이용자 기댓값이 가장 높게 나타났다.
Quality of the library service, because it is based on the subjective meaning of the user for a particular service, depending on the individual expectation level, can be divided between satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Therefore, library services that are performed in public libraries also ultimately assessment of library services may influence based on the expected value of the user. This study is a satisfaction survey of library services to the public library of Goyang. Overall satisfaction of Public Library of Goyang in this study are in the following orders: 1) facility, 2) cultural programs and courses, 3) librarian kindness, 4) collections. To understand the specific meaning of each preference, it was analyzed in the followings: 1) the expectation level to the library space, 2) expectation level to librarians, 3) new service the users desire, 4) service the users want, etc. by age and occupation. As the age of the user increases, the demand for traditional library usage increased. In addition, services that utilize the same library external resources and utilization of external lecturer is like finding employment and art courses, expectation level of users such as reading course to utilize library resources was the highest.
Altmetrics는 각종 연구성과물의 영향을 소셜미디어, 언론보도, 참고문헌관리도구 등으로부터 수집하여 다차원적으로 분석함으로써 기존 방식에서는 찾아낼 수 없었던 사회적 영향도를 측정하는 기법이다. 최근 학술커뮤니케이션 방식이다양해지고, 오픈 엑세스 문화에 의해 다양한 분야의 논문을 저장하고 배포할 수 있는 OA 레포지토리가 활성화되면서아티클 단위의 영향력을 다면적·복합적으로 측정할 수 있는 새로운 평가 체계에 대한 고민이 시작되고 있다. 본 연구는Altmetrcis의 등장 배경, 응용 현황과 장단점에 대해 고찰하며, 실제 오픈소스 기반의 Altmetrcis 측정 도구인ImpactStory를 활용하여 국제학술지에 출판된 한중일 디지털도서관 관련 논문의 영향력을 살펴보고 피인용도와 어떠한 상관성을 나타내는지 분석하였다. Altmetrcis 측정 결과, 분석된 연구는 참고문헌관리도구에 ‘saved’된 경우가 소셜미디어에 의해 ‘discussed’되거나, 후속연구에 의해 ‘cited’된 빈도보다 더 높게 나타났으며, ‘saved’와 ‘cited’와 간에는양의 상관성(r = 0.718)이 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 분석 대상 논문을 한중일로 구분하여 영향력 차이를비교 분석한 결과, 한국은 일본과 중국에 비해 ‘saved’ 빈도가 높은 것으로 나타났다.
Altmetircs is the new method to measure social impact of research result which couldn't be found by traditional way, through measuring how much research result is reacting to social media. As academic communication has been diverse and OA repository which can preserve diverse type of article has been activated, New paradigm that measure impact of articles through multifaceted and complex way has been started. This study considers background, status of application, pros and cons about altmetircs. And by using Impactstory which is open source based tool, analyses the research output about digital library of Korea, china and japan which is published in international journal. Besides, analyses correlation between Altmetricss and citation rates. As results, “saved” shows higher than “cited” in library research analysis, it means that even though articles are not cited by followed study, there are a lot of articles that has saved in reference management tool. And positive correlation(r = 0.718) exists between “saved” and “cited”, it can be inferred that Altmetricss complement the bibliometrics based evaluation system. Meanwhile, Korean researches are saved more in reference management tool than other countries.
This study proposed to derive important aspects of developing a policy information mentoring service by analyzing the consumers’ needs. To do this, we conducted a survey targeting civil servants in policy-related ministries, researchers at policy research institutes, and policy information service representatives, who will all participate in the policy information mentoring service. The results are as follows. First, the need for a policy information mentoring service the desire to participate was very high. Second, the policy information mentoring service requirements that must be considered during development were, by order of importance, the expertise of the policy information service, quantitative and qualitative improvement, and policy information sources. Requirements for a successful policy information mentoring service were to sign an agreement with organizations to participate in the service, and to then enable partner organizations to recommend their staff to act as mentors and mentees. Conditions required on the operator side of the service were securing a pool of mentors and mentees, training for both groups, financial support cooperation guarantee from the affiliated organizations for professional mentoring activities, and links to policy areas in related institution.
본 연구는 서울시와 지방 광역도시의 대표 트위터들에서 제공하는 공공정보의 내용을 심층 분석하고, 시민들의 질의와시 트위터에서 제공되는 정보를 비교·분석하여 트위터를 통한 정보서비스에 대해 평가하였다. 주 연구방법은 내용분석(content analysis)을 사용하였으며, 6개 도시의 트위터(서울, 부산, 대구, 인천, 대전, 광주)에 게재되었던 석 달 동안의트윗 내용을 모두 기록하여 분석하였다. 트위터상의 정보게재에 대한 빈도수 분석에서 가장 많은 트윗을 게재한 도시는부산시였으며, 서울시는 URL링크를 활용한 트윗글 게재 수가 가장 높았다. 트위터에서 제공되는 공공정보에 대한내용분석 결과 가장 많이 제공되었던 정보는 시민의 생활 편의에 관련된 정보였으며, URL링크를 제공하는 트윗글또한 생활정보, 공모, 서비스 안내 순이었다. 시민들의 질의를 분석하였을 때, 시민들은 생활정보와 교통에 관련된더 많은 정보를 요구하였다. 끝으로 트위터를 통한 더 나은 공공 정보서비스를 위해 몇 가지의 의미있는 제안을 하였다.
This study investigates the contents of twitters serviced by metropolitans and citizens’ questions to propose improvements. Using content analysis as a research method, this study recorded and analyzed all the tweets of six metropolitans (Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Daejeon, Gwangju) for three months. As the results, the frequency analysis of tweets revealed that Busan posted more tweets than other cities, and Seoul posted the highest number of tweet using URL link. The results of content analysis showed that the most frequently provided information from tweeters was about convenience of citizens living. Tweets using URL link were focused on information about citizen living, prize contest, and service announcement. Citizens had a request for information about their life and traffic. For public information service using tweeter in the future, this study provided several important suggestions.
이 연구의 목적은 현재 북미를 중심으로 확산되고 있는 iSchool movement의 추이를 살펴보고 이러한 움직임이문헌정보학 교육의 미래에 어떠한 도전과 기회를 제공하는지 가늠해 보는 것이다. 북미의 주요 iSchool들이 생산한공식 문건들을 분석하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 이러한 움직임이 과연 정보에 대한 연구에 있어서 다학문적 접근과 미래지향성이라는 목적을 충실히 내화하고 있는지 논의하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 iSchool과 관련된 논의의 역사적 맥락을짚어내고 이러한 변화가 각 학과(school)의 전략적 계획과 사명 등 공식 문건에 어떻게 반영되어 있는지, 그리고 실제학과의 교육 프로그램에서 이러한 변화가 얼마나 현실화되고 확산되어 있는지 분석하였다. 구체적으로는, 각 iSchool의사명, 교육목적과 목표, 그리고 전략적 계획 등에 대한 비판적 담론 분석을 통하여 iSchool movement의 현단계와향후의 발전 방향을 진단하였다. 이를 통하여 미국에 있어서의 이러한 변화가 우리 문헌정보학계에 암시하는 바는무엇인지 가늠해 보고자 하였다.
The objective of this study is to analyze such discourse as mission statements and objectives, goals, and strategic plan of iSchools. Educational changes created by the digital reality and prevalent information systems and computers became an increasingly important part of library and information science. As a result, library and information schools joined iSchools as the cooperative effort to advance and to understand the rapid changes. These positioning validated the missions, objectives, goals of iSchools and thus an analysis of these documents can lead the way to the future of LIS education. For this job a qualitative analysis were performed to scrutinize the awareness of, support for and involvement with the field among key constituencies.
한국목록규칙의 개정과정에서 세미나 및 공청회를 통해 초안의 수정이나 문제점을 파악했던 기존 방식에서 벗어나개정될 목록규칙의 문제점을 올바르게 파악하고, 도서관에서 새로운 목록규칙을 올바르게 적용할 수 있도록 한국목록규칙의 테스트 방안을 제안하였다. 연구방법으로는 문헌연구 및 사례조사를 바탕으로 하였으며, 사례조사는 RDA 테스트조정위원회가 실시한 RDA 테스트를 바탕으로 분석하였다. 테스트의 평가항목으로 목록규칙 자체, 새로운 목록규칙을적용한 레코드 생성 및 시스템 개발 측면, 이용자 측면, 비용 측면이었다. 개정될 한국목록규칙에 따라 서지 및 전거레코드를 생성하고, 설문조사를 실시하여 데이터를 수집할 것을 제안하였다. 설문조사는 기관용, 레코드를 생성한 사서용, 레코드를 사용하는 이용자용으로 구성되었다. 생성된 서지레코드의 목록규칙 적용 오류 및 서지레코드 구축시규칙 적용의 문제점을 분석하여 앞으로 개정될 한국목록규칙 개정에 도움이 될 것이며, 신규 목록규칙의 서지레코드입력시간 및 학습커브 등의 분석은 도서관이 새로운 목록규칙의 반영 여부를 결정하는데 도움이 될 것이다.
This study was for suggesting the test methods in the revision process of the cataloging rules to understand the problem of draft cataloging rules and to apply the new cataloging rules correctly in libraries instead of collecting the opinions by the traditional seminar and conference in the process of revising KCR, KCR2, KCR3, KCR4. For this study, the literature review and the case study were used as the research methods. The case study was based on the US RDA Test by US RDA Test Coordinating Committee. The evaluation areas of the test were cataloging rules, record creation and system development by reflecting the new cataloging rules, user, and cost. The data for the analysis was the creation of bibliographic records and authority records by librarians, and the question investigations that were the use of institutions, librarians, and users. This study would contribute to revise the cataloging rules in future by analyzing the errors of applying new rules to bibliographic record and by investigating the difficulties of applying rules in completing the bibliographic record. Also, the libraries could be easy to decide to implement the new rules from the creation time of bibliographic record by new rules and the learning curve of new rules.
This research was conducted to evaluate whether knowledge and information resources produced in four educational institutions function as a knowledge management system in the institutions, and to suggest a proposed plan for the foundation of the national knowledge management system. Knowledge and information resources available on the institutes’websites were classified as ‘knowledge and information resources of result’, ‘knowledge and information resources of process’, and ‘knowledge and information resources of communication’. The application of metadata and the configuration of the search system were examined by content analysis method. From the result, 8 ways to improve the management of knowledge and information resources have been found; the development of standardized metadata and classification scheme, high recognition that the website is a counter for external distribution of knowledge and information resources, various searching skills and the provision of knowledge maps available, provision of linked information for original information acquisition, awareness of the agency managers and homepage managers to the homepages as knowledge management systems, segmentation of appropriate data size unit in a mobile environment work, an organic linkage function of the internal electronic approval system and the homepage have been proposed.
이 연구는 문헌정보와 아카이브적 측면에서 학생독립운동의 지식정보자원관리에 대한 효율적인 자료수집, 자료해제, DB구축과 아카이브를 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구는 학생독립운동과 지식정보자원 관련 문헌적 고찰과 일제식민지 치하 학생독립운동 시발과 그 운동과정에서 생성된 자료들의 유통과 이들 자료들이 어떻게 관리되고 있는지에대한 실제적 조사로 이루어졌다. 이들은 운동과 투옥 그리고 재판의 과정에서 다양한 문헌정보를 생산했으며 이것을기반으로 정보자원관리와 아카이브가 이루어지고 있다. 이 연구의 결과는 학생독립운동의 지식정보자원에 대한 가치와역량을 나타내고 진일보한 학생독립운동 연구와 발전에 기여하게 될 것이다.
This research aims to present an archive on the management knowledge information resources of Student Independent Movement under the rule of Japanese Imperialism in a viewpoint document information and archives. This study consists of two aspects : a document investigation based on Student Independent Movement and knowledge information resource and in a practical examine based on the first departure of SIM, distribution of knowledge information resources, and their management. They are produced a various of document knowledge information and was formed knowledge information resource management and archives in a library, a newspaper office, Independence Hall, Nation Archives of Korea, and school media center. The result of this research was looked forward to help to R&D of knowledge information resource management in values and competencies for Student Independent Movement.
본 연구는 진정한 복지사회가 되려면 국가의 법적․제도적 보장 외에 시민들의 자발적인 ‘나눔’이 있어야 하고, 나눔의문화가 우리 사회에 뿌리내리기 위해서는 어릴 때부터의 ‘나눔 교육’이 필요하다는 인식에서 출발하였다. 본 연구에서다룬 내용은 크게 세 가지이다. 첫째, 나눔 교육의 필요성과 나눔 교육의 방법을 제안하였다. 둘째, 우리나라 나눔의현 주소를 알아보기 위해 다른 나라의 나눔 문화와 나눔 교육을 살펴보았다. 셋째, 우리나라 초등학교 과정의 어린이들에게 실시할 수 있는 나눔 교육의 방안을 문학 활용 프로그램으로 모색하였다. 본 프로그램은 형식적으로는 구조화된경험적 집단 프로그램이고, 내용 면에서는 나눔에 대한 개념, 나눔의 대상, 나눔의 방법, 나눔과 관계된 기관에 대한내용을 담고 있으며, 최종적으로 나눔을 실천하는 것으로 이어지고 있다. 본 연구는 앞으로 나눔 교육 프로그램을정착시키고 활성화하기 위한 가정 및 지역사회, 그리고 학교의 적극적인 노력의 필요성을 시사해 준다.
This study started from an understanding that a true welfare society requires voluntary ‘sharing’ of citizens in addition to the state's legal and institutional security and that to make the culture of sharing find a firm ground in our society, ‘Philanthropic Education’ is needed from the childhood. This study examined three issues; first suggested the need of philanthropic education and learning methods. secondly, to find out the present situations of sharing in Korea, the study looked into sharing cultures and philanthropic education in other countries. thirdly, the study explored ways of philanthropic education for elementary school students of Korea in literature based program methods. The structure of the program was designed as structured experimental group program. And the content of this program is composed of concepts, objects, process, institutions regarding philanthropy, and finally practical behavior of it. This study implies that discussions in taking root and revitalizing the philanthropic education to encourage prosocial behaviors of children by more efforts of family, community and school.
이 연구는 일제 강점기 광주지역의 출판문화를 파악하는 연구의 일환으로 수행되었다. 현존본을 중심으로 서지적 특징을 살펴 본 결과 이 시기에 광주에서는 譜系類, 傳記類, 別集類, 地理類의 서적이 가장 많이 간행되었다. 특히 1929년부터 1942년 사이에 간행이 활발하게 이루어진 것을 확인할 수 있다. 일제강점기에 가장 큰 변화는 근대적 출판사와 인쇄소가 출현한 점이다. 광주에서는 1930년대에 출판사들이 생겨났는데, 당시 광주지역에서 활동한 출판사로는 光明堂, 南振印刷所, 三奇堂, 永林堂, 崇文堂 등이 있다. 이 출판사들은 누문정, 궁정, 대화정, 명치정, 궁정에 각각 소재하고 있었다. 또한 광주지역의 출판사들은 서울과는 다르게 석판본으로 간행하였다.
This study was carried out to investigate the publishing culture in Gwangju during the period of Japanese occupation. From the bibliographical study through the existing books, it was found that mainly genealogical records, biographies, collective literature, geography books were published. Particularly many books were published from 1929 until 1942. It was a noticeable change in this period that several modern publishers and printing houses appeared. In 1930s the active publishing companies were established in Gwangju, such as Gwangmyungdang, Namjin Printing House, Samkidang, Youngrimdang, Sungmundang etc. These companies were located at Numun-jung, Kung-jung, Daewha-jung, Myungchi-jung, Kum-jung, repectively. They published books by Seokpan(石版)-printing unlike the publishers in Seoul.
본 연구에서는 독서관련 자격제도를 살펴보고, 독서관련 자격증의 발급 현황과 교육과정을 면밀히 조사·분석한결과, 278개 과정의 독서관련 자격증은 모두 민간 비공인으로 운영되고 있으며, 교육내용의 질적 제고의 노력과 체계적인 관리체계가 요구되었다. 이를 토대로 민과 관이 협력하여 독서관련 자격증의 질적 제고를 위한 운영방안을 제시하고, 독서문화진흥 정책의 참고자료로서 활용할 것을 제언하였다.
This study looks at the reading related qualifications that examine the issues into the curriculum of reading-related qualifications specifically. The results of analysis, 278 reading related qualifications are both operated by the private non-accredited. And reading related qualifications system was required the effort and systematic enhancement of the quality management system of education information. On t he b asis o f the surv ey, It is proposed operational plans for the quality of reading-related qualifications by cooperation of the private and government that are utilized as a reference in the promotion policy.
This paper presents a fusion approach to sentiment detection that combines multiple sources of evidence to retrieve blogs that contain opinions on a specific topic. Our approach to finding opinionated blogs on topic consists of first applying traditional information retrieval methods to retrieve blogs on a given topic and then boosting the ranks of opinionated blogs based on the opinion scores computed by multiple sentiment detection methods. Our sentiment detection strategy, whose central idea is to rely on a variety of complementary evidences rather than trying to optimize the utilization of a single source of evidence, includes High Frequency module, which identifies opinions based on the frequency of opinion terms (i.e., terms that occur frequently in opinionated documents), Low Frequency module, which makes use of uncommon/rare terms (e.g., “sooo good”) that express strong sentiments, IU Module, which leverages n-grams with IU (I and you) anchor terms (e.g., I believe, You will love), Wilson’s lexicon module, which uses a collection-independent opinion lexicon constructed from Wilson’s subjectivity terms, and Opinion Acronym module, which utilizes a small set of opinion acronyms (e.g., imho). The results of our study show that combining multiple sources of opinion evidence is an effective method for improving opinion detection performance.
Most academic journals in the world today typically require submission of journal article titles in English. However, most authors and reviewers are insensitive to the fact that cultural differences at a national level exist in writing titles. In this paper, journal article titles that have been published in the United States and Korea were compared in order to find cross-national cultural characteristics in these titles. To conduct this study, sample titles in the field of social sciences were obtained from two bibliographic databases ―Scopus and RISS. A frequency count on number of variables was used: length of title, types of titles and n-gram phrases. In addition, a variety of similarities and differences found from this study including the type of words and phrases that Korean authors tend to favor in journal articles. The results showed that there is a considerable amount of cultural related variability in the construction of journal article titles. This study suggests that cross national characteristics of journal article titles should be emphasized in the future.