Library and information science(LIS) has been focused on the issues of information poverty and barriers and their relations, mainly in terms of current information users. However, potential users usually out of sight in library and information services undoubtedly are to be developed as legitimate clientele. In this regard, this paper attempts to shed light on some factors related to the methodological underpinnings of LIS. Ethnographic research is particularly highlighted. Since the mid 1980s, as full-fledged research of analyzing the contingencies of information use as situated in particular times and places, and using that analysis to inform user-centered information systems design, LIS researchers and practitioners have been exploring possible use of ethnographic approaches, especially in studies investigating information world of the socially marginalized. This paper addresses issues in conducting ethnographic studies in the discipline. This paper also discusses the experiences in conducting ethnographic based research and how the results of their studies may be or have been useful in improving information services for specific populations.I. 문제제기문화기술법(ethnography)은