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Lee, Jung-Wan(Department of Administrative Sciences, Boston University) ; Mendlinger, Samuel(Department of Administrative Sciences, Boston University) pp.5-12 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.5


This study models the operational competence of mobile service providers as an endogenous factor that presumably impacts the mobile commerce (m-commerce) adoption of consumers and examines the relationship between the perceptions of consumers toward the operational performance of m-commerce providers and their m-commerce adoption likelihood. Quantitative research is applied with data collected from wireless Internet consumers in South Korea. The data is analyzed using factor analysis and structural equation modeling methods. The findings suggest that the operational competence of m-commerce providers is a significant antecedent to the m-commerce use and adoption of consumers in Korea. In this environment, the operational competence of mobile service providers in managing facilities, equipment, systems and technology plays a central role in enhancing m-commerce use and adoption. Based on the results, important managerial implications are discussed.

Cho, Young-Sang(Industrial Economics, Chung-Ang University) pp.13-24 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.13


With the increasing market share of retailer brands, many authors have paid considerable attention to retailer brands. Before market liberalisation in 1996 in Korea, retailer brand market was led by the supermarket retailing format, although the first retailer brand product was developed by the department store format. In parallel with the entry of foreign multiple retailers, the retailer brand market has experienced rapid growth. Particularly, the expansion of Tesco UK with well-established retailing know-how into Korea has encouraged Tesco Korea to actively get involved in retailer brand program. As a result, Tesco Korea has led retailer brand market in the Korean marketplace. The research starts with the question of why Tesco Korea has achieved such a higher retailer brand share. Accordingly, this study is to explore how Tesco UK has transferred its own retailing knowledge into Tesco Korea, in terms of retailer brand program development. In order to explore why the retailer brand share of Tesco Korea is higher than that of its counterparts, the author adopted in-depth interview with prepared-questions and store observation as a research methodology. To examine working process as well as information flows within Tesco Korea and from UK to Korea, in-depth interview method is one of the most suitable research methodologies, because of the difficulty of quantifying information or data related to work flows. In addition, to increase the validity of information, the researcher had interviews with Tesco Korea supplier and store personnel. Based on these research techniques, this research explored how Tesco UK has influenced or advised Tesco Korea, particularly, from the point of view of knowledge transfer. Since the entry of Tesco UK into Korea as a joint-venture, the retailer brand market share of Tesco Korea has continuously increased. It would be expected that Tesco UK has helped Tesco Korea to settle down in the Korean market. During interviews with Tesco and a Tesco supplier, the researcher found that Tesco Korea has obviously taken an advantage of retailing know-how created by Tesco UK. Furthermore, the retailer brand development and handling process of Tesco Korea has been operated with the help of Tesco UK. This might mean that Tesco UK has directly or indirectly an impact on the improvement of Korean retailer brand development skills. As a mechanism to transfer retailing knowledge developed in the home market into the host market, one of the international retailers, Tesco UK has adopted many different ways such as annual meeting, trading meeting to import or export own retailer brand products, offering of operation manual developed by Tesco UK and buyer cooperation between Tesco UK and Korea, in order to share information. Through these communication techniques, the knowledge of Tesco UK has been transferred to Tesco Korea. This research accordingly suggests that retailer brand market share is apparently related to how sophisticated or advanced the knowledge of the retailer brand development and handling process of retailers are. It is also demonstrated by this research that advanced development and handling skills make a considerable contribution to increasing retailer brand share in markets with a lower share or no presence of retailer brands.

Kim, Jin-Hwan(Dep't of International Trade, Korea National Open University) pp.25-30 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.25


Transport is animportant sector of government regulation. Every country has its own transport policy, but European countries are evolving a common transport policy, which has a long history. The establishment of a consistent common policy in the EU's transport sector is still underway. The key motivations of this policy are 1) to establish and implement a common transport policy, 2) to clarify the concept of sustainability in the transport sector, and 3) to integrate transport services into a common infrastructure. One of the policy's objectives is the progressive movement towards sustainable development in the transport section. The EU'stransport policy has recognised that intermodality is a very important competitive tool. The EU's policy thrustin intermodal transport can be catergorised into infrastructure, technology, and standards and rules. However, obstacles to success can be detected. Cases like that of TEN-T and Marco Polo illustrate European intermodal policies in practice. As regards sustainability in the transport sector, intermodality can be an alternative solution to the increasing imbalance between transport modes and congestion arising from increased road use. Sustainability has been emphasised by the EU, which aims to establish intermodality in its future alternative transport systems while fostering sustainable development in the transport sector. Therefore, intermodality can be defined as a general trend in the current transport market, drawing interest from public institutions and transport-related market players. The EU has thus made an effort to facilitate intermodality in its territory, materialised through various policy options. Therefore, looking into the EU's intermodal transport policies is worthwhile, as doing so can provide useful lessons for all concerned parties.

황희중(Department of Business Administration, Daejeon University) ; 이선미(Hanyang Women's University) pp.31-36 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.31

본 논문은 오프라인 채널이 온라인 채널로 사업 영역을 확장할 경우 기존 오프라인 채널의 경쟁적 자산, 이를테면, 브랜드 명성, 서비스 만족도 등이 온라인 채널의 선호도로 연결될 수 있는지를 실증분석을 통해 증명하였다. 연구결과, 오프라인 채널의 브랜드 명성과 서비스 만족도가 오프라인 채널의 선호도에는 직접적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치고, 온라인 채널의 선호도에는 간접적으로 영향을 미친다. 즉, 오프라인 채널의 경쟁력이 우수할 경우 고객 입장에서는 오프라인 채널의 선호도가 높아져서 거래관계에 대한 몰입과 충성심이 증가한 뒤, 시간적 거리를 두고 오프라인 기업이 확장한 온라인 채널에 대한 선호도 향상으로 발전해 갈 수 있음이 입증되었다. 즉, 오프라인 채널의 경쟁력 향상은 현재와 미래 모두의 사업 기회를 확보하는 데 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것이다. 본 연구의 주요 시사점을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유통 채널의 서비스 품질 관리가 브랜드 명성 관리보다 더욱 중요하다. 고객의 서비스에 대한 체험과 주관적인 평가는 장기적인 브랜드 명성 관리의 선행요소로서 중요할 뿐만 아니라, 채널 선호도에도 더 큰 영향을 미친다. 따라서, 신규 고객을 포함한 일반 고객을 대상으로 하는 광범위한 브랜드 포지셔닝 전략 보다는 기존 우수 고객을 대상으로 하는 서비스 만족도 향상 전략이 더 중요하다는 의미이다. 둘째, 기존의 오프라인 채널이 온라인 채널로서 인터넷쇼핑몰을 구축할 경우 기존의 오프라인 채널의 고객 선호도, 주관적인 평가가 그대로 온라인 채널에도 영향을 미친다는 점이다. 유통기관의 오프라인 채널이 온라인 채널로 확장한 경우뿐만 아니라, 기존의 전통 제조기업이나 서비스 기업이 영업활동의 확장으로서 온라인으로 채널을 확장한 경우도 마케팅 채널의 수직적 통합(Vertical Integration)으로서 유통채널의 확장에 준하여 모두 이에 해당될 수 있다. 셋째, '채널확장'이란 '기업이 자사의 마케팅 활동이나 영업활동의 채널을 증대하기 위하여 온라인 또는 오프라인으로 채널을 확대시키는 의사결정과 그 실행'을 의미하는 것임을 확인할 수 있다. 일반적으로 오프라인 기업의 온라인으로의 채널 확장은 유통채널 확장 그 자체를 위한 목적과 전반적인 경영 프로세스 혁신의 목적 두 가지로 나누어 질 수 있다. 전자는 전통 오프라인 기업의 매출액을 증대하여 수익창출에 기여하기 위함이고, 후자는 주로 오프라인 기업의 비용절감을 통해 수익증대에 기여하기 위함이다.


I conducted empirical analyses of what happens when an offline channel expands to an online channel and whether the pre-existing offline channel's competitive assets (e.g. brand reputation and level of service satisfaction) can be linked to online channel preference. I found that an offline channel's brand reputation and level of service satisfaction can have a direct influence on offline channel preference and a second-hand influence on online channel preference. Thus, if the competitiveness of the online channel is strong enough and its customers have a higher preference for the offline channel, they will be committed and loyal to the company. The resultant enhanced competitiveness of the offline channel will present opportunities for both present and future success. The main results are the following. First, the management of the distribution channel service quality is more important than that of the brand reputation. Customers' experiences of service and subjective evaluations are not important only as the leading factors in the long-term brand reputation management but also as influential factors in channel preference. SoThus, given that the service quality of the pre-existing channel is not the customers' main concern, a strategy of improving the level of service satisfaction aimed at present customers is more valuable than a wide brand positioning strategy aimed at general and new customers. Second, when an offline channel company establishes an internet shopping mall on an online channel, it is highly likely that the preference and subjective evaluation of the present customers will influence the online channel. This applies not only to the special case of an expansion from an offline intermediary channel to an online one, but also to an online channel acting as an expansion of the business model of a conventional manufacturing or service company: both cases are vertical integrations of marketing channels in an expansion of the distribution channel. My theory applies to a wide range of contexts. Third and finally, any business strategy can grasp the meaning of 'channel expansion. Fundamentally, it is an expansion of the sales activity channel and marketing activity. However, it is also a way of enhancing marketing and sales competitiveness through an expansion to an online or offline channel. The expansion of an offline company to an online channel could be seen not as improvement but as an innovation of the business process by which two goals are achieved with one technique. The former is expected to increase the sales of the offline company, and the latter is also expected to increase sales while also contributing to cost reduction.

임진(Conventional Market in Seongnam) ; 김영기(Research Team for Commercial Districts Development, Agency for Traditional Market Administration) ; 이민권(Business Headquarters, Agency for Traditional Market Administration) ; 김유오(Commercial Districts Activation Headquarters, Agency for Traditional Market Administration) ; 윤명길(College of Health Industry, Eulji University) pp.37-47 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.37

우리나라의 유통산업분야에는 아직도 법적·제도적 보완시책이 부족하며, 특히 전통시장을 비롯한 중소 영세상인들에 대한 보다 체계적인 육성·지원방안이 시급한 실정이다. 이러한 전통시장을 지원하기 위해 2004년도에 제정된 전통시장 특별법의 지원대상과 범위는 종전에는 단위시장으로 국한하였으나, 이후 시장 및 상점가, 시장활성화구역, 더 나아가 상권활성화구역을 지정하여 지원할 수 있도록 확대시켜왔다. 그러나 전통시장 활성화 및 지원에 관한 기준이 되는 특별법이 전통시장의 개념을 다소 획일적으로 규정함으로 인해 무등록시장에 대한 법률적 개념의 미비함과 같은 문제점을 지니고 있다. 여기서 무등록시장이란 특별법에서 정한 계량화된 기준을 충족하지 못함에 따라 실제 시장기능 수행여부와 무관하게 법률적인 전통시장에 포함되지 않는 시장을 일컫는다. 본 연구는 이러한 특별법 규정에 대한 문제점을 도출하고 개선방안을 찾고자 논의를 전개한다. 사례는 모란민속5일장을 중심으로 한다. 본 연구는 새로운 시각으로 접근하고자 한다. 즉, 경험적인 측면에서 현실에 직접적으로 접목할 수 있는 논의를 하고자 한다. 따라서 최근 이슈화되고 있는 논의 중에 법적 보호를 받지 못하는 무등록시장을 중심으로 논의하는 한편, 연구방법론 측면에서 볼 때 규범적 연구방법론을 견지한다. 유통학 분야에 있어 기존의 연구가 대개는 경험적 분석기법을 많이 활용하지만, 본 연구의 특성상 법적 제도적인 관점으로 접근할 때 가장 효율적인 논의가 되기 위해서는 현장에서 바로 접목이 가능한 규범적 연구방법론을 택하여 본 연구를 전개하고자 한다.


Our distribution industry still lacks legal and institutional supplementary frameworks. Therefore, we urgently need systematic supporting schemes for targeting small merchants, including those in traditional markets. In 2004, the scope of and target for traditional markets took shape through the enactment of the 'Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets'. Though restricted to a single market, it expanded the target and scope to include markets and stores, market improvement districts, and business improvement districts. However, the Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets, the criterion for the revitalization of and support for the traditional market, applies a uniform standard. Accordingly, the Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets has revealed problems, such as the deficit of legitimate ideas about unregistered markets. This study identifies the problems with the Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets. We take the Moranjang case as an example. This study offers the problems new insight. We discuss the problems in terms of their empirical reality. We focus on unregistered markets, which are not protected by law. Most previous studies have applied empirical methods, but this study also provides legal and institutional perspectives on the prospect for efficient outcomes by applying the normative study methods applicable in the field.

장재남(The Institute for Franchise Industry Studies) ; 강창동(The Korea Economic Daily) ; 안성식(Food service and Agro-Fishery Management at Kyung Hee Cyber University) pp.49-59 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.49

한국프랜차이즈산업은 1970년대 도입된 이후, 외식업, 도·소매업, 서비스업 등 광범위한 영역에 국민생활과 밀접한 지식기반서비스산업으로 고성장을 지속하고 있다. 이제 국내 프랜차이즈산업은 양적성장에서 질적 성장으로의 전환을 통한 새로운 도약을 준비해야 할 시기이다. 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 가맹본부와 가맹점 사업자 간의 신뢰구축을 위한 가맹본부와 가맹점사업자의 노력과 실천이다(Stanworth & Kaufmana, 1995). 가맹본부와 가맹점사업자간의 우호적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 관계(Relationship)야 말로 프랜차이즈에 대한 불신을 해소하고 건강한 프랜차이즈시스템을 유지할 수 있는 근간이기도 하다. 가맹사업을 하고자 하는 가맹본부는 프랜차이즈산업의 지속적인 성장과 발전을 위해서 가맹점창업의 성공에 많은 영향을 미치는 항목이 무엇인지를 파악해야 한다. 따라서, 가맹점 사업성과의 만족도와 가맹점 사업성공·실패에 미치는 가맹점의 선택속성이 무엇인지를 파악하고 업종별로 차이가 있다는 것을 밝히려는 연구의 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 가맹사업을 하고 있는 가맹본부나 예비 가맹본부 창업자들이 가맹점 모집뿐만 아니라 가맹점 지원시스템 구축력, 브랜드력, 가맹점의 상권 경쟁력, 교육·훈련 프로그램 수준, 가맹점사업자의 금융비용, 가맹점본부와 가맹점사업자와의 파트너쉽, 마케팅 믹스 관리능력(제품, 가격조건, 물류 및 배송서비스, 프로모션, 슈퍼바이징과 슈퍼바이저, 업무절차·과정, 물리적 증거)에 투자와 활동을 집중해야 가맹점의 성공가능성이 높아진다는 것을 시사하고 있다. 가맹점 예비창업자들이 우수한 가맹본부를 선택하기 위해 가장 크게 고려하는 사항은 가맹본부의 특성이다. 특히 가맹점에 대한 가맹본부의 지원은 가맹점의 사업성과와 만족도를 높이고 결과적으로 적극적인 추천이나 재 계약률을 높일 수 있다.


A franchise can be said to be the main method of distribution and marketing. It appears to be the future of the retail industry and is one of the world's fastest growing businesses sectors, as many policy reports and research results have acknowledged. Korea's franchise industry began in the 1970s, spread out into many areas (including food services, retail, and the service industry), and has grown by over 10% each year ever since. The industry's influence on the national economy becomes ever greater. Although the size of the franchise industry is expected to grow as it spreads and as the government expands its support, it has not yet attracted much academic interest. Research has so far been very fragmented. The main interest has been the relationship and conflicts between the head offices and the affiliates. No study has yet occurred on whether the concepts of satisfaction and intent to conclude a contract directly affect the success or failure of the affiliates. Few studies have empirically inquired into the demographic characteristics and abilities of the affiliates that significantly affect their results. Domestic franchise industries must prepare to leap from quantitative to qualitative growth. Most important is the need for affiliate headquarters and affiliates to build confidence between them. A friendly and reliable relationship between affiliate headquarters and affiliates will eliminate distrust from the franchise and maintain a healthy franchise system. This study suggests that current and prospective heads of affiliation should concentrate not on attracting affiliates but on investment and techniques of affiliate support. They should work on the reinforcement of brand power, the appropriate affiliate business environment, systematic education/training, taking burdens off the affiliate business persons, consolidating the relationship with the affiliate business persons, marketing mix factors (e.g. products, price conditions, logistics and shipping services, promotion, supervising and supervisor, operation procedures/processes, and material evidence); these all greatly affect the success or failure of the affiliate business. Supporting the affiliates is an important factor that enhances their results and satisfaction and consequently increases the positive recommendations to others and the ratio of recurrent conclusions of contracts, which ultimately generate the growth of the franchises. In addition, it is suggested that prospective franchise founders should make every effort to choose a good head office since the characteristics of the head office greatly influence the success of the affiliates. This study is significant in that it grasps the characteristics of the head office of affiliation and of the affiliates that influence affiliate results in ways not yet academically attempted.

김도헌(Outsourcing Team, STX offshore & Shipbuilding) ; 김상덕(Department of Administration, Kyungnam University) pp.61-72 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.61

본 연구의 목적은 중소공급업체의 공정성 지각의 선행요인과 결과요인의 규명을 통하여 대기업과 중소기업간의 상생을 위한 요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 중소공급업체 공정성 지각의 선행요인으로는 수직적 조정, 협력지원, 정보공유, 법계약적지배의 네가지 변수를, 결과요인으로는 공급체인의존성과 공급체인유연성으로 가정하여 분석을 시도하였다. 첫째, 대형구매업체의 수직적 조정은 중소공급업체의 분배공정성 지각과 절차공정성 지각에 정(正)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대형구매업체의 협력지원은 중소공급업체의 분배공정성 지각과 절차공정성 지각에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 대형구매업체가 중소공급업체에 더 큰 요구를 하는 경우가 많기 때문에 이런 결과가 나온 것으로 추정된다. 셋째, 대형구매업체의 정보공유는 중소공급업체의 분배공정성 지각에는 정(正)의 영향을 미치고 절차공정성 지각에는 직접영향은 주지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 대형구매업체의 법계약적지배는 중소공급업체의 분배공정성 지각에 부(負)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나고, 절차공정성 지각에 부(負)의 영향의 방향성은 나타났다. 다섯째, 절차공정성은 공급체인의존성에 직접영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났지만 공정성은 공급체인 의존성 및 공급체인 유연성에 직접, 간접적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.


The object of this research is to examine the factors leading to intercompany win-win by finding the antecedents and consequences that affect a supplier's fairness perception. We assume that the antecedent factors of a supplier's fairness perception are vertical coordination, cooperation support, information sharing, and legalistic plea. We assume that the consequential factors of a supplier's fairness perception are supply chain dependence and supply chain flexibility. The object industry is an electronic parts manufacturing company. We tested our model by using the SPSS 17.0 and the LISREL 8.5. For measurement validation, we verified by using a confirmatory factor analysis and a reliability analysis. For hypothesis analysis, we did a path analysis with the LISREL 8.5. By checking the modification index and expecting parameter changes, we modified the model. First, the buyer's vertical coordination had a positive effect on the supplier's distributive fairness perception and procedural fairness perception. Second, the buyer's cooperation support had no effect on the supplier's distributive fairness perception and procedural fairness perception: we suppose that the buyer's requests were burdensome, although they cooperated with the supplier. Third, the buyer's information sharing had a positive effect on distributive fairness perception but had no direct effect on procedural fairness perception. Fourth, the buyer's legalistic plea had a negative effect on the supplier's distributive fairness perception. and a negative effect on the supplier's procedural fairness perception at a 0.1 significance level. Fifth, although procedural fairness perception had no direct effect on supply chain dependence, fairness perception had an effect on supply chain dependence and supply chain flexibility both directly and indirectly.

강계영(Geumsan Education Scholarship Foundation, Doctor of Business Administration) ; 송인암(Department of Business Administration, Daejeon University) ; 황희중(Department of Business Administration, Daejeon University) pp.73-81 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.73

본 연구는 구전의 정보원천 효과가 학원에 대한 기대형성에 미치는 영향을 규명해 보고자 함과 동시에, 기대형성이 실제 교육서비스 판매에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위한 것이다. 또한 교육서비스 판매에 있어 사전에 형성된 기대가 교육서비스 판매에 있어 매개효과를 분석하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 가설검증 결과 구전정보 원천효과가 기대속성에 미치는 영향에 있어서는 전문성, 유사성, 호감성, 친숙성의 요인들이 기대속성에 미치는 영향이 유의한 결과를 보이고 있다. 그러나 진실성은 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 학원 방문전 기대속성이 교육서비스 판매에 미치는 영향에 있어서는 유의한 결과를 보이고 있어, 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 구전정보의 원천이 교육서비스 판매에 있어서 미치는 영향에 있어 기대속성의 매개역할에 대한 결과는 기대속성은 전문성이 교육서비스 판매에 미치는 영향에 있어 부분매개효과, 진실성에 있어서 완전매개효과, 유사성에 있어 부분매개효과, 호감성에 있어 완전매개효과, 친숙성에 있어 완전매개 효과가 있다는 결과가 도출되었다.


This study is designed to examine the effects of information source effects of the word mouth have on the formed expectations for the private institution and to explore the formed expectations' effects on the actual sales of the educational service. Moreover, its purpose is in analyzing what medication effects the pre-conceived expectation has on selecting the educational service. After testing hypothesis, the results showed that the source effects of the information from word of mouth had a significant effect on the expectation factors, in terms of expertise, similarity, likability and familiarity expectation factors. However, it was found that effect was not significant for the truthfulness. The significant result was found on the expectation factors before visiting the private institution on selecting educational service, indicating a positive effect. As for the influence of source of the word of mouth information on selecting educational service, the results from the mediation effects of the expectation factors on selecting the educational service showed that for expectation factors, expertise had the partial mediation effect, truthfulness, perfect mediating effect, similarity, partial mediation effect, likability, perfect mediating effect, and familiarity, perfect mediating effect. A test of the mediating role of attribute expectations in the influence of WOM message source attributes on educational services choices showed the following: 1) It was proven that attribute expectations played a partial mediating role in the influence of expertise and similarity, respectively, on educational services choices. 2) On the influence of trustworthiness, likability, and familiarity on educational services choices, respectively, attribute expectations had a full mediation effect. This research differs from the previous ones, which focused only on consumer satisfaction with educational services offered by private educational institutions in that it covers not only the influences of both WOM source attributes and key component factors of educational services on both educational services choices and satisfaction with such services but also the influence of WOM source attributes on attribute expectations prior to the first visit to a particular private educational institutions, and in turn the influence of such attribute expectations on educational services choices. Most particularly, the significance of this study lies in the fact that in an effort to more clearly explain the causal relationship between WOM source effects and educational services choices a test of the mediating role of attribute expectations was conducted. Although the research seems simple, some theoretical implications can be drawn as follows: WOM message source effects on educational services choices were positive and moreover these positive impacts are likely to be reinforced by means of the mediating variable of attribute expectations.

김영기(Research Team for Commercial Districts Development, Agency for Traditional Market Administration) ; 김승희(Research Institute for Gangwon) ; 임진(Local government official for Conventional Market in Seongnam) pp.83-95 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.83

전통시장은 생필품의 유통이라는 기본 기능 이외에 지역경제의 활성화, 지역 커뮤니티의 중심지 기능 등을 수행해 왔으며 무엇보다 시장은 무질서 한 것처럼 보이지만 생명력 있는 존재로 우리의 삶에 즐길거리와 볼거리를 제공해왔다. 그러나 1996년 국내 유통 시장이 개방되면서 다국적 대형 유통업체가 국내에 밀려들어오고, 기업형 대형 유통업체가 빠르게 발전하였는데 이때부터 실질적으로 시장이라는 전통상권에 위기가 찾아왔다고 볼 수 있다. 2003년부터 정부는 전통시장 활성화를 위해 특별법 제정을 통한 각종 지원 시책을 전개하고 있는데, 특히 2009년 특별법 일부 개정을 통해 상권활성화제도 도입과 함께 '재래시장'이라는 명칭이 낙후됐다는 이미지가 강하다는 설문조사 결과를 토대로 '전통시장'으로 명칭을 변경하였다. 그러나 개정을 통해 기존 재래시장에서 전통시장으로 그 법률적 용어가 변경되었으나 단순한 용어변경에 그치고 있어 개념 재정립의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 시장은 역사적으로 잉여 생산물을 처분하기 위해 자연발생적으로 생성되었으나, 일부 공설시장·도시계획시설로서의 시장 등 인위적으로 개설한 시장이 존재한다. 또한 상품이나 용역의 거래가 상인과 소비자 사이의 상호신뢰를 바탕으로 이루어지는 전통 상거래 방식을 유지 또는 계승하고 있다. 이러한 점을 고려하여 전통 시장의 개념을 재정립하는 것이 필요하다.


Conventional markets in Korea have played a pivotal role in the vitalization of local communities and economies along with the distribution of products. Although many people believe the markets to be disorderly, they are lively and provide local people with things to enjoy, watch and buy. However, superstores have undergone a mushrooming proliferation since Korea opened its gates to multinational superstores in 1996. This phenomenon has caused a crisis for Korea's conventional markets. They have lost their competitiveness because of this environmental change, inefficient management, and their outmoded facilities. Government efforts to revitalize the markets have centered on redevelopment of the facilities, a perspective that has caused not only the fall of the old business districts but also the decline of the distribution function. Under these conditions, the traditional market has re-entered into competition. The Korean government enacted a special law to revitalize the conventional markets and has been implementing many policies to support them since 2003. In 2009, the government amended the law and adopted the Business Improvement District System. The government also changed the official term from 'old markets' to 'Conventional markets'. Despite this legal amendment, though, we still need to re-establish the concept of the Conventional market. Historically, markets grew up spontaneously to dispose of surplus products. Some manmade markets were established through urban planning or as public facilities. Their businesses transactions have always been based on mutual trust between consumers and trades people, the traditional way of commercial dealing. Conventional markets can be defined, then, as creatures of societal necessity where transactions for services and products are based on mutual trust. Problematically, unlisted markets are left out of government support. Although unlisted markets have performed almost the same functions as listed markets, they exist only as a statistic as far as the special law is concerned. In some areas, there are more unlisted markets than unlisted ones. Therefore, it is necessary to establish systematic management methods for the unlisted markets. Some unlisted markets received support in the form of facility improvement from local governments' budgets in the early stage of the special law's enforcement. The current government also assists with safety issues involving unlisted markets; however, the current special law provides no legal framework for unlisted markets. Moreover, consumers cannot tell the difference between unlisted markets and listed ones. Finding a solution to this problemrequires new standards and a wider scope of support by which the efficiency of the market improvement support system might be enhanced.

Cho, Young-Sang(Industrial Economics, Chung-Ang University) pp.97-109 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.97


As a marketing vehicle to survive in intensified retailing competition, retailer brand development has been adopted by retailers in Korea. As evidence, the retailer brand share of a major retailer, Tesco Korea, has grown from 20% in 2007 to 22.8% in the first half of 2008. It means that retailers have provided more and more retailer brand foods for customers. With the growing accessibility to retailer brand foods, it would be expected that the number of retailer brand food claims will increase. Customers have increasingly exposed to a variety of marketing activities conducted by retailers. When buying the retailer brand foods, customers tend to be affected by marketing activities of retailers. Despite the fact that customers trust retailers and then, buy their brand foods, in case of food accidents caused by production process, customers have to seek compensation from a retailer brand supplier. Of course, a retailer tends to shift its responsibility to its suppliers. Accordingly, it is not easy for customers to solve food claims. The research, therefore, aims at exploring the relationship between the buying-decision processes of retailer brand customers and which side takes legal responsibility for food claims. To effectively achieve the research aim, the author adopted a quantitative and a qualitative research technique, in order to supplement the disadvantages of each method. Before field research, based on the developed research model, the author pre-tested questionnaire with 10 samples, amended, and handed out to 400 samples. Amongst them, 316 questionnaires are available. For a focus group interview, 9 participants were recruited, who are students, housewives, and full-time workers, aged from 20s to 40s. Through the focus group interview as well as the questionnaire results, it was found that most customers were influenced by a retailer or store image in a customer's mind, retailer reputation and promotional activities. Surprisingly, customers think that the name of a retailer is a more important factor than who produces retailer brand foods, even though many customers check a retailer brand supplier, when making a buying-decision. Rather than retailer brand suppliers, customers trust retailers. That is why they purchase retailer brands. Nevertheless, production-related food claims is not involved with retailers. In fact, it would be difficult for customers to distinguish whether a food claim is related to selling or manufacturing processes. Based on research results, from a customer perspective, the research suggests that the government should require retailers to take the whole responsibility for retailer brand food claims, preventing retailers from passing the buck to retailer brand suppliers. In case of food claims, in order for customers to easily get the compensation, it is necessary to reconsider the current system. If so, retailers have to fully get involved in retailer brand production stage, and further, the customer awareness of retailer brands will be improved than ever before. Retailers cannot help taking care of the whole processes of retailer brand development, because of responsibility. As a result, the process to seek compensation for food claims might become easier, and further, the protection of customer right might be improved.

서근하(Department of Business Administration, Kyungnam College) ; 서미옥(Department of Airline and Tourism, Sorabol College) ; 윤성욱(Department of Business Administration, Dong-A University) pp.111-122 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.111

본 연구는 국내사업체 수에서 87.9% 이상을 차지하고 있는 소상공인들의 직능업종별 조직화에 대한 실증적 연구이다. 연구문제의 검증을 위하여 직능단체의 조직화를 국내 상황에 적합하도록 도소매직능, 음식숙박직능, 개인서비스직능의 세 가지 형태로 구분하여 실증적인 분석을 시도하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 조직화 참여동기에서 인력구인난에 대한 반응은 음식직능이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 외부경쟁심화와 자금압박으로 인한 반응은 개인 서비스 직능이 가장 높게 나타났다. 이를 통하여 업종별 직능별로 경영애로사항과 조직화 참여동기에는 차이가 존재함이 새롭게 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 조직화 기대치의 경영공정 개선분야에서는 음식직능이, 단순한 최종성과 개선만을 기대하는 분야에서는 소매직능이 가장 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 소상공인 직능별 조직화요인과 경영성과에 대한 분석에서는 참여동기는 소상공인의 재무적인 경영성과에 부(-)의 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 반대로 조직화 기대치와 정책수요는 경영성과에 직접적인 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과가 의미하는 바는, 향후 정부에서는 직능단체별로 맞춤형 중장기 경영전략을 수립하여야 하는 필요성과 더불어, 현재 소상공인 조직화는 일천한 상황에 있지만, 최종적으로 창업 성공과 창업 실패를 구분하는 분기점이 된다는 점을 밝혀주었다.


The purpose of this study is to survey the successful cases of small and medium Business Systematization Cognition by examining their entrepreneurial characteristics and analysing the factors affecting their success. To that end, previous studies on the association types of small businesses were studied. A research model was developed, and research hypotheses for an empirical analysis were established upon it. Suh et al. (2010) insist on the importance of Small Business Systematization in Korea but also show that small business performance is suffering: they are too small to stand alone. That is why association is so crucial for them: they must stand together. Unfortunately, association is difficult, as they have few specific links and little motivation. Even in franchising networks, association tends to be initiated by big franchisers, not small ones. In that sense, association among small businesses is crucial for their long-term survival. With this in mind, this study examines how they think and feel about the issue of 'Industrial Classification', how important Industrial Classification is to their business success, and what kinds of problems it raises in the markets. This study seeks the different cognitions among the association types of small businesses from the perspectives of participation motivation, systematization expectation, policy demand level, and management performance. We assume that different industrial classification types of small businesses will have different cognitions concerning these factors. There are four basic industrial classification types of small businesses: retail sales, restaurant, service, and manufacturing. To date, most of the studies in this area have focused on collecting data on the external environments of small businesses or performing statistical analyses on their status. In this study, we surveyed 4 market areas in Busan, Masan, and Changwon in Korea, where business associations consist of merchants, shop owners, and traders. We surveyed 330 shops and merchants by sending a questionnaire or visiting. Finally, 268 questionnaires were collected and used for the analysis. An ANOVA, T-test, and regression analyses were conducted to test the research hypotheses. The results demonstrate that there are differences in cognition depending upon the industrial classification type. Restaurants generally have a higher cognition concerning job offer problems and a lower cognition concerning their competitiveness. Restaurants also depend more on systematization expectation than do the other industrial classification types. On the policy demand level, restaurants have a higher cognition. This study identifies several factors that are contributing to management performance through differences in cognition that depend upon association type: systematization expectation and policy demand level have positive effects on management performance; participation motivation has a negative effect on management performance. We confirm also that the image factors of different cognitions are linked to an awareness of the value of systematization and that these factors show sequential and continual patterns in the course of generating performances. In conclusion, this study carries significant implications in its classifying of small businesses into the four different associational types (retail sales, restaurant, services, and manufacturing). We believe our study to be the first one to conduct an empirical survey in this subject area. More studies in this area will likely use our research frameworks. The data show that regionally based industrial classification associations such as those in rural cities or less developed areas tend to suffer more problems than those in urban areas. Moreover, restaurants suffer more problems than the norm. Most of the problems raised in this study concern the act of 'associating itself'. Most associations have serious difficulties in associating. On the other hand, the area where th

Lee, Hwan-Eui(Department of Hotel & Tourism Management, Korea Nazarene University) ; Cho, Sun-Gu(Department of Hotel & Tourism Management, Korea Nazarene University) ; Hyun, Sung-Hyup(Department of Tourism & Convention, Pusan National University) pp.123-129 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.123


The restaurant franchise industry is one that could benefit significantly from the use of intranet technology, from its potential for improving communications between franchisors and franchisees, to providing easier inventory and ordering processes. However, there is a level of trepidation among potential users about whether the technology would improve their work performance. This study sought to examine the relationships between perceived uncertainty and perceived usefulness of intranet technology in the restaurant franchise industry. Through a review of available literature, 10 sub-dimensions of perceived uncertainty (Duncan, 1972) and six sub-dimensions of perceived usefulness (Davis, 1989) were derived. Canonical correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between these concepts using data collected from 163 franchising restaurant managers in South Korea. Findings from the data analysis demonstrates two negative factors and one positive factor in perceived uncertainty that influence perceived usefulness, thus offering some implications of what to consider when implementing an intranet system in a restaurant franchise.

이순금(Department of Administration, Kyungnam University) ; 김용만(Department of Administration, Kyungnam University) pp.131-140 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.9.2.201106.131

본 연구는 자금의 고령화 사회에서 실버소비자의 웰빙을 향상시키기 위한 근본적인 마케팅노력이 필요하다는 관점에서, 실버마케팅과 소비자웰빙의 연관성에 이론적 근거를 두고 있으며, 그 구체적인 연구목적은 첫째, 실버소비자의 건강기능 제품 만족을 결정하는 소비 전(全) 단계의 여러 가지 만족 요인이 실제로 소비자 웰빙에 영향을 미치는가를 일차적으로 실증 분석하고, 둘째, 제품 만족요인에 의해 소비자 웰빙을 가져오는 그 과정에서 실버소비자의 건강기능제품의 제품지식이 어떻게 영향을 미치는가를 이차적으로 실증 분석하는 데 둔다. 따라서, 실버소비자의 건강기능제품에 대한 제품만족은 건강관련 소비자 웰빙에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것이다. 연구가설 1과 실버소비자의 건강기능제품에 대한 제품지식에 따라 제품만족이 건강관련 소비자 웰빙에 미치는 영향은 긍정적으로 강화될 것이라는 연구가설 2를, 설문조사를 통한 자료수집과 통계적 실증분석에 의해 검증하였다. 검증결과, 연구가설 1은 채택되었으며, 연구가설 2는 부분적으로 채택되었다. 본 연구의 건강기능제품의 효율적 웰빙마케팅을 위한 실무적 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 건강제품의 실버소비자 웰빙수준을 높이기 위해서는 소비 사이클 전반에 걸친 다각적인 노력이 필요하며, 구입-준비-소비-유지-처분 전(全)단계에서 소비자의 장기적인 만족을 위한 건강기능제품을 개발해야 한다. 또한 소비자 웰빙은 다양한 욕구의 총합으로 구성되므로, 긍정적 정서적 경험의 증대와 부정적 정서적 경험의 저감의 목표를 동시에 충족시키기 위한 노력이 필요할 것이다. 둘째, 건강기능제품에 관한 실버소비자의 지식을 높이기 위한 마케팅 노력이 동시에 이루어져야 할 것이다 즉, 실버소비자의 제품지식을 높이기 위해서는 건강기능제품에 대한 친숙성과 전문성을 제고하고 다양한 경로를 통해 그들의 제품지식을 높이는 것이 필요하다. 단, 본 연구의 분석결과는 건강기능제품에 관한 소비자의 높은 지식은 건강기능제품의 준비만족과 유지만족에의 관점에서만 소비자웰빙에 긍정적인 효과의 강화를 보인다는 점에서 제한적이라고 할 수 있지만, 이러한 분석 결과는 제품지식이 준비단계의 욕구와 밀접한 관계를 가지며 유지단계의 정보 이용에 더욱 관련성이 있을 것이라는 선험적 인식을 보여 주고 있다. 결론적으로 실버소비자를 대상으로 제품만족, 제품지식 및 소비자웰빙에 대한 실증 연구가 부족한 실정에서 본 연구의 시도는 시의성이 있을 것으로 판단된다. 특히 실버소비자의 건강기능제품의 소비와 관련하여 제품만족의 전 단계가 소비자웰빙에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지에 대한 인과관계를 규명하였고, 그 과정에서 제품지식 수준의 조절변수 효과가 부분적으로 존재할 가능성이 있음을 관찰하였다는 점이 웰빙마케팅 연구에 기여하는 바라고 할 수 있을 것이다.


On 1 July 2000, as the over-65 year-old population numbered 3,371,000 and accounted for over 7.1% of Korea's total population, an aging society was revealed. The over-65 percentage climbed to 11.0% by late 2010. A truly aged society is expected soon, by 2019. This aging society requires marketing research concerning the consumer behaviour and well-being of the elderly, because the 'silver generation' is emerging as a large part of the consumer market. The purpose of this study is to empirically analyse one effect among several satisfaction factors in the consuming cycle of various health functional products on consumer's well-being and the effect of product knowledge on the relationship between product satisfaction and well-being. To achieve this purpose, we established a research model after reviewing previous studies on product satisfaction, product knowledge, and consumer's well-being. The following hypotheses were developed from the research model. Hypothesis 1: When elderly consumers' satisfaction with health functional products increases, their well-being will increase. Hypothesis 2: The effect of their satisfaction with health functional products on their well-being will be strengthened according to the level of their knowledge of the products. Those hypotheses were tested by multiple and moderated regressions to the empirical data through a questionnaire survey. As a result, Hypothesis 1 was totally adopted, and Hypothesis 2 was only partially adopted. The study has many practical implications for well-being marketing. First, in order to heighten the elderly consumer's well-being, the level of his or her satisfaction with the health functional products has to be raised in every stage: during the acquisition, preparation, use, maintenance, and disposition of the consumption cycle. Moreover, promoting positive emotional experiences while diminishing negative ones requires effort because a consumer's well-being is made up of various needs. Second, the marketing of health functional products should be invigorated in order to raise the level of elderly consumers' knowledge of them. In other words, it is important to give them an expertise in the health functional products through different channels. A statistical analysis showed, however, that their knowledge has a decisive effect on only two satisfaction stages, preparation and maintenance. Nevertheless, this merely confirmed the intuitive assumption that the knowledge of health functional products is most relevant to their preparation and maintenance. In conclusion, this study is timely because few empirical studies exist on the relationships between silver consumer behaviour and well-being marketing. It contributes to our understanding of this subject by revealing the causality between the silver consumer's satisfaction and his or her well-being in the consumption cycle and by discovering the moderating influence of knowledge in that process.

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)