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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A path model to examine factors influencing sexual assertiveness of Korean college students


The purpose of this study was to the examine the relationship among parent-child communication, adult attachment, self-esteem and sexual assertiveness of college students using a path model. A total of 680 college students who were enrolled in the local universities located in Busan, Daegu and Kyungsangbuk-do participated in this study. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients and structured equation modeling. Result of this study showed that self-esteem among the three factors –parent-child communication, adult attachment, and self-esteem was found to have significant direct effect on sexual assertiveness. Self-esteem was confirmed as a complete mediator between parent-child communication and sexual assertiveness as well as in the relationship between adult attachment and sexual assertiveness. Parent-child communication had significant indirect effect on sexual assertiveness, while adult attachment and self-esteem mediated the relationship between parent-child communication and sexual assertiveness. Adult attachment was also found to have significant indirect effect on sexual assertiveness, while self-esteem mediated the relationship between adult attachment and sexual assertiveness. Implications for dating violence prevention programs were provided based on the result of this study. Lastly, limitations of this study and suggestions for future studies were provided.

college counseling, sexual assertiveness, parent-child communication, adult attachment, self-esteem, 성적 자기 주장, 대학 상담, 부모-자녀 의사소통, 성인 애착, 자기 존중감



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology