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메뉴Anxiety is common psychological state for human being. But it can lead to pathological anxiety if it is uncontrollable or excessive. Examining variables known to affect anxiety and figuring out the mechanism is crucial to understand anxiety disorders. This study was aimed to examine effects of maladaptive perfectionism, interpretation bias for ambiguity, and cognitive avoidance on anxiety level. The total of 367 college students who completed the self-report questionnaires on maladaptive perfectionism, interpretational bias for ambiguity, cognitive avoidance, and state anxiety were included. The data were analyzed using SPSS Macro method by Hayes(2012). The results indicated double partial mediation effect of relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and state anxiety was statistically significant. These findings suggest that interpretation bias for ambiguity and maladaptive perfectionism may be promising targets for early intervention of anxiety. The implications and limitations were discussed along with some suggestions for the future studies.
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