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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The Study of Gender Differences in Juvenile Recidivism Risk Factors : Focused on JDRAI-D


The purpose of this study is to figure out the factors influencing the recidivism of delinquent juveniles. This study also tried to find out whether male and female adolescents have different characteristics causing recidivism or not. 188 juvenile delinquents (95 males and 93 females) in South Korea, who were put either on probation or in a juvenile detention center, participated in this study. The purpose of this study is to figure out the factors influencing the recidivism of delinquent juveniles. This study also tried to find out whether male and female adolescents have different characteristics causing recidivism or not. 188 juvenile delinquents (95 males and 93 females) in South Korea, who were put either on probation or in a juvenile detention center, participated in this study. The Juvenile Delinquency Risk Assessment Inventory-Dynamic (JDRAI-D) was used to measure the risk of recidivism. JDRAI-D is a dynamic risk assessment tool measuring dynamic factors such as a personality·attitude, school/workplace, family, peer friends, mental health, leisure/lifestyle and sexual behavior factor. The history of delinquency used to predict the recommitted crime. Also, male and female data separately were analyzed in order to see the gender differences in recidivism risk factors. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the explanatory power of factors of JDRAI-D in delinquent juveniles. These results showed that the ‘personality․attitude factor’ has more meaningful explanatory power (β=.39, p<.001) in the male adolescents. Also, we can read off that female delinquents affect significant explanatory powers on the 'personality․attitude factor'(β=.45, p<.001), and on the 'mental health factor'(β=.20, p<.05). The results of this study showed how the ‘personality․attitude and mental health factors’ impinge on recidivism by the juvenile delinquents. Especially, it was found that the significant gender difference exists in recidivism risk factors. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the explanatory power of factors of JDRAI-D in delinquent juveniles. These results showed that the ‘personality·attitude factor’ has more meaningful explanatory power (β=.39, p<.001) in the male adolescents. Also, we can read off that female delinquents affect significant explanatory powers on the 'personality·attitude factor'(β=.45, p<.001), and on the mental health factor(β=.20, p<.05). The results of this study showed how the ‘personality·attitude and mental health factors’ impinge on recidivism by the juvenile delinquents. Especially, it was found that the significant gender difference exists in recidivism risk factors.

Juvenile delinquency, Recidivism risk assessment, Recidivism Risk Factor, JDRAI-D, Gender difference, 비행 청소년, 재범위험성 평가, 재범위험요인, JDRAI-D, 성차



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology