This study analyzes the problem of braille library information services for visually handicapped and suggests the alternatives to solve the identified problems. This study uses a case study method and Pusan Braille Library was selected as a case. The data for this study were collected by the following two methods : (1) document analysis; (2) interviews with 1 staff and 6 users in the Pusan Braille Library. The emphasis of this study was on analyzing the problem; in braille library services, particularly from the following three aspects : (1) both quality and quantity of materials; (2) the facilities; (3) the human factors staffs and volunteers. Suggestion are made to improve the quality in information services of braille libraries - particularly, producing many diskette materials, establishing collection development policy of diskette materials, pervading computers and its facilities, reeducating braille library staffs to cope with rapidly developing information technology.
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