The pnpose of the study is to offa the basic data in TQM dcation Ilndel fca h i thrcugh investjga!iOn of m s tlxm-dic hackgnxnd, such as philosophy, pincides, mil2 am?s, aL&atirn mlhods and d y s i s of TQM &cation for h i . For this pnpose, phil&y and pinddes that reprrsentive quality expats in America and jam^, such as bring, Juran, G-osby, Ishkawa, M, wae investigated
Kaoru Ishikawa. .
Donald E. Riggs. (1992). Strategic Quality Management in Libraries. Advances in Librarianship, 16, 97.
Harai. (1993). Ten reasons why TQM doesn't work. Management Review, (January), 33-38.
Joseph M. Juran. .
Philip B. Crosby. .
C. W. L. Hart; C. E. Bogam. .
Mary Elizabeth Clack. (1993). Organizational Development and TQM : The Harvard College Library's Experience. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 19-43.
Debbie Ellis;Bob Norton. .
Arlene Farber Sirkin. (1993). Customer Service : Another Side of TQM. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 71-83.
William Edwards Deming. .
Robert Bluck;Chris Pinder;Maxine Melling. Organizing Libraries for Customers.
William Edwards Deming. .
Philip B. Crosby. .
Rosanna M. O'Neil. .
Joseph M. Juran. .
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
J. S. Oakland. .
Susan Jurow;Susan R. Barnard. (1993). Introduction : TQM Fundamentals and Overview of Contents. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 1-13.
Karyle Butcher. (1993). Total Quality Management : The Oregon State University Library's Experience. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 45-56.
Richard T. Sweeney. (1994). Leadership in the Post-Hierarchical Library. Library Trends, 3, 62-94.
Robert Bluck;Chris Pinder;Maxine Melling. Organizing Libraries for Customers.
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
이상복. (1998). 도서관의 이용자중심 서비스 질 평가와 측정에 관한 이론적 고찰. 한국문헌정보학회지, 32(3), 265-280.
Donald E. Riggs. (1992). Strategic Quality Management in Libraries. Advances in Librarianship, 16, 93-105.
W. David Penniman. (1993). Quality Reward and Awards : quality has own reward, but an award helps speed the process. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 127-136.
백항기. .
Masaaki Imai. .
Constance F. Towler. (1993). Problem Solving Teams in Total Quality Management. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 97-112.
Daniel Sell;Mary Ellen Motola;Rosanna M. O'Neil. Quality Circles and Library Management.
Daniel Sell;Mary Ellen Motola;Rosanna M. O'Neil. Quality Circles and Library Management.
Susan Jurow;Susan B. Barnard. (1993). Tools for Measuring and Improving Performance. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 113-126.
Karyle Butcher. (1993). Total Quality Management : The Oregon State University Library's Experience. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 45-56.
Masaaki Imai. .
B. Stratton. (1990). What makes it take?, What makes it break?. Quality Progress, (April), 14-18.
Masaaki Imai. .
C. Handy. .
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
C. W. L. Hart; C. E. Bogam. .