The reading camp program for mutual reading activities between reader`s advisers and readers which has been played four times in 2000 shows the reaction to reading activities among them as follows. <TEX>$\circled1$</TEX> All of reader`s advisers and readers took an active part in the reading camp program and reader's advisers were more active. <TEX>$\circled2$</TEX> All of participants of the reading camp was satisfied by all of the reading program and especially leaders were affected by daily life of reader`s advisers. <TEX>$\circled3$</TEX> All of participants had an opportunity of reflections on his reading activities and leader`s advisers established their sense of life and sense of values in more affirmative. The reading camp program helped participant to enhance his reading life very much and yet reader`s advisers acquired something more than readers did especially.
한국청소년개발원(편). .
김승환. 공공도서관의 독서프로그램 개발에 관한 연구.
황백현. .
이영숙. 멀티미디어 시대에 있어서 청소년의 독서행태와 독서교육.
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문화관광부 (편). .
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한국청소년개발원 (편). .
김응익. .
정진화. 청소년의 독서에 대한 인식과 행태에 관한 연구.
한국청소년개발원(편). .
한국청소년개발원(편). .
강원경. 독서클럽 활동양상연구.
김종활. 독서지도가 인성발달에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구.
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