This study is to analyze factors affecting collection size by the type of materials of university libraries in Korea. The results of this study are summarized as follows; ①Factors affecting library holdings in volumes: national univ. - volumes loaned, total number of courses, library materials expenditure; private univ. - undergraduate enrollments, library materials expenditure, volumes loaned, number of graduate departments; total univ. - undergraduate enrollments, volumes loaned, library materials expenditure ②Factors affecting periodical titles: all the libraries - graduate enrollments ③Factors affecting the size of nonbook materials: national univ. - graduate enrollments, number of undergraduate departments; private and total univ. - volumes loaned ④Factors affecting volumes added: national univ. - volumes loaned, number of graduate courses; private univ. - number of undergraduate enrollments; total univ. - volumes loaned ⑤Factors affecting the size of nonbook materials added: national univ. - number of graduate enrollments, number of undergraduate departments; private and total univ. not extracted.
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