This research purpose to investigate aspect of reading movement and readers' interest in the period of 2000’s, This is succession research that is the Japanese Occupation Period, after release, the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s. Through such series, namly, reading phenomenon analyzing comparison, is to find present address of reading popularization movement and reading education. In main discourse, First, investigated reading movement, in the period of 2000’s(1. the reading movement of library and public institution, 2. the reading movement of bookstore and medium, and several organization's, 3. student reading movement and school reading education). Second, readers' interest observed in the period of 2000’s.(1. ordinary readers' interest, 2. student readers' interest). If we correct judgment about reading phenomenon from now. It will be foundation that unfold reading education more effectively.
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