This study attempts to analyse factors that influence the level of career decision for prospective librarians. To this end, an empirical study was conducted on the students from the department of Library & Information Science at universities located in Seoul, Gyeong Gi and Chung Cheong Areas. Exogenous variables included curriculum, career-related departmental activities, and librarian-related institutional factors. The result of analysis using the Structural Equation Model reveals that career-related departmental activities are preceding factors which affect the level of career decision and that personality types function as a modulator. This suggests that, in order to raise the career decision level, prospective librarians need to participate in career-related departmental activities, which make it easier to share information regarding career and thus enhance the level of career. Such career-related departmental activities include participating in job-oriented circles and career-consulting programs, communicating with seniors, and operating and joining career programs. Further organizational and institutional development is required : better curriculum, improved practical ability and qualifications as librarians. This study also discusses its limits and areas for future research.
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