The purpose of this study was to analyze the recognition of those majoring Library & Information Science on the jobs that they can get and want to work for, employment requirements and their preparation, to identify problems and to suggest how to improve current status. To this end, the jobs and employment rate reported by most of the Depts. of Library & Information Science and the preferred jobs and preparation to those majoring library and information were surveyed with 107 students studying in the Dept. of Library & Information Science in the K University as the subjects. According to the results, 49 jobs were identified as the jobs that those majoring Library & Information Science could get into. In the 1st to 20th job ranking groups, 82.1% of all identified jobs, librarian job took lower ranking as 29.2% while other jobs accounted for 52.9%. However, among the jobs from the 1st to 20th ranking accounting for 96% of all jobs that the subjects wanted to have, the librarian job took 45.8% and other jobs 50.6%, which suggested that the preference on librarian job was slightly increased among the jobs that the subjects wanted to have. Furthermore, the employment requirements were classified into religion, language, scholastic achievement, certification and experience. In accordance with investigation on requirements from employment announcement, 92% were in the generally acceptable level or insufficient level. On the basis of such results, it is suggested to introduce a variety of jobs to students and to provide Case-by-Case employment guidance for improvement of employment rate and social capability of students.
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