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A Study on the Educational and Cultural Programs of Public Libraries in Jeonbuk Provincial Area

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2009, v.40 no.4, pp.227-242


The objective of this study is to work out a data-based educational and cultural program that can best identify the original role of library in a measure to activate it. To achieve this goal and introduce an educational and cultural program that would faithfully meet the desired characters of library, a research was made to examine the theoretical aspects of educational and cultural programs offered by public libraries, compare and analyze those conducted at the public libraries and life-long educational centers of the local autonomous bodies in Jeonbuk Province. Included in the research as subjects were 10 public libraries in the cities of the province including 5 branches of JeonJu Municipal Library and various educational and cultural programs operated directly by each municipal self-governing body under such title names as life-long educational centers, cultural houses, residential autonomy centers, women's halls, women's culture halls and women culture centers.

Educational & Cultural Program, Public Library, Cultural Program, Educational and Cultural Program of Public Library, Educational & Cultural Program, Public Library, Cultural Program, Educational and Cultural Program of Public Library, 교육문화프로그램, 공공도서관, 문화프로그램, 공공도서관 교육문화프로그램



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society