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A Study on Career Movement of Directors in Public Libraries

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2009, v.40 no.4, pp.261-286


Despite much recent researches on career development or career movement, research on domestic librarians' career development are rarely conducted. Therefore this study examined the career movement of directors of public libraries as one aspect of research for librarian workforce. This study surveyed directors of public libraries and analyzed the following points; age of first job, initial type of career, age when they became the director, Factors affecting career move, career paths, working years by career steps, the number of changing department before director, training opportunities for manager, and so on. This study also analyzed what kinds of efforts they exerted to become a director. The result showed 45.1% of respondents made an effort to increase knowledge and skills, 23.6% undertook an effort to improve their honesty and gain their integrity, 12.8% underwent an effort to increase competence and self-management efforts in about the library. Through analyzing the career development process of public library directors, we can find the ideal path for career development to become a director of public libraries.

Public Libraries, Public Libraries Directors, Career Development, Career Movement, 공공도서관, 관장, 경력개발현황, 경력이동, Public Libraries, Public Libraries Directors, Career Development, Career Movement



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society