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A Research on the Applicants for the “Campaign for Libraries for Rural Schools”

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2010, v.41 no.3, pp.25-46

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In this research the current situations of libraries of 119 rural elementary schools are examined. These schools are the applicants for the ‘Campaign for Libraries for Rural Schools’ sponsored by Chosun Ilbo in 2009. Through the content analysis of their applications, the factors of facilities, collection, and environment are described. One the surface, most of these applicants look fine with the current size of collection and annual additions. They, however, commonly document the extremely poor conditions of facilities, unbalanced and low quality of books, lack of financial support, and cultural isolation. Even though they are not the typical rural school libraries, it seems urgent to improve their inferior conditions that any library statistics never shows in numbers. In this research, it is considered significant to make local governments and offices of education change their attitude toward rural school libraries and increase their financial support to them. The suggestions are as follows: First, let them know that school library policies concern the voters in communities; Second, use the visibility of various authoritative library assessments and awards; Third, strengthen the qualitative aspect of library evaluations.

School Library, Rural Schools, School Library Policy, Evaluation of School Libraries, Qualitative Assessment, 학교도서관, 시골학교, 학교도서관 정책, 학교도서관 평가, 질적 평가



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society