This study discussed the roles of librarians in readers' advisory services and the education for readers' advisory services in LIS programs. For this, literatures were reviewed and readers' advisory courses provided by LIS programs of North America were investigated. And then the characteristics and contents of readers' advisory courses were analyzed. Based on the analysis, I suggested the education for readers' advisory services in LIS programs of Korea.
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6) Joan M. Reitz, ODLIS—Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science(Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited), <> [cited 2010. 9. 3].
7) Jane George, Michele McGraw, and Sarah Nagle, “Readers Advisory Services and Training in the North Star State,” Public Libraries, Vol.44, No.1(Jan/Fe 2005)
8) Sherrey Quinn, “Reading Rewards : The Evolution of a Train the Trainer Course for Public Library Reader Advisers,” Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services, Vol.l21, No.2(June 2008), pp.44-55.
9) Jessica Moyer and Terry Weech, “The Education of Public Librarians to Serve Leisure Readers in the United States, Canada and Europe,” New Library World, Vol.106, No.1208/1209(2005)
10) Juris Dilevko and Candice Magowan, Readers' Advisory Service in North American Public Libraries, 1870- 2005(Jefferson, NC : McFarland & Company, 2007), p.3.
11) Stephanie Maatta, A Few Good Books : Using Contemporary Readers' Advisory Strategies to Connect Readers With Books(Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2010)
14) Bill Crowley, “Rediscovering the History of Reader Advisory Service,” Public Libraries, Vol.44, No.1(Jan/Fe 2005)
23) Joyce Saricks, Readers' Advisory Service in the Public Library, 3rd ed.(ALA, 2005)
29) Duncan Smith, “Talking with Readers : A Competency Based Approach to Readers' Advisory Service,” Reference & User Service Quarterly, Vol.40, No.2(Winter 2000)
32) Catherine Sheldrick Ross, “Reader's Advisory Services : New Directions,” RQ, 30(Summer 1991), p.515.
35) David Beard and Kate Vo Thi-Beard, “Rethinking the Book: New Theories for Readers' Advisory,” Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol.47, No.4(Summer 2008), p.332.
Carol Kuhlthau, Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and Information Services, 2nd ed.(Libraries unlimited, 2004) p.127-144.
Duncan Smith, “Reinventing Readers' Advisory,” The Readers' Advisor's Companion, Kenneth Shearer and Robert Burgin ed.(Libraries Unlimited, 2001)
Sharon Baker, “Laying a Firm Foundation Administrative Support for Readers' Advisory Services,” Developing Readers' Advisory Services: Concepts and Commitments, Kathleen McCook & Gary Rolstad ed.(New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 1993), pp.15-16.
40) Keddy Ann Outlaw, “Self-Service Readers Advisory,” Public Libraries, Vol.44, No.1(Jan/Fe 2005), pp.9-11.
45) Nora Armstrong, “No, Thanks-I'd Rather Do It Myself: Indirect Advisory Services,” The Readers Advisor's Companion, Kenneth Shearer and Robert Burgin ed.(Libraries Unlimited, 2001)
47) Carol A. Doll, “Advisory Services in the School Library Media Center,” The Readers Advisor's Companion, Kenneth Shearer and Robert Burgin ed.(Libraries Unlimited, 2001), pp.149-177.
Stephanie Maatta, “Tags, Clouds, and Participatory Readers' Advisory Services,” A Few Good Books: Using Contemporary Readers' Advisory Strategies to Connect Readers with Books(Neal-Schuman Publisher, Inc., 2010), pp.39-59.
52) Kenneth Shearer and Robert Burgin, “Partly Out of Sight ; not Much in Mind : Master's Level Education for Adult Readers' Advisory Services,” The Readers Advisor's Companion(Libraries Unlimited, 2001), p.15.
54) Connie Fleet, “Education for Readers' Advisory Service in Library and Information Science Programs : Challenges and Opportunities,” Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol.47, No.3(2008 Spring)
59) Data Watson & RUSA CODES Readers' Advisory Committee, “Time to turn the Page: Library Education for Readers' Advisory Services,” Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol.40, No.2(Winter 2000), p.144.
Wayne Wiegand, “Missing the Real Story: Where Library and Information Science Fails the Library Profession,” The Readers' Advisor's Companion(Libraries Unlimited, 2001), pp.7-14.
61) Wayne Wiegand, “Misreading LIS Education,” Library Journal, Vol.112, No.11(June 1997), pp.36-39.
Bill Crowley, “'Taught at the University on a Higher Plane Than Elsewhere': The Graduate Education of Readers' Advisors,” The Readers Advisor's Companion, Kenneth Shearer and Robert Burgin ed.(Libraries Unlimited, 2001), pp.27-58.
70) Duncan Smith, “Reconstructing the Reader: Education Readers' Advisors,” Developing Readers' Advisory Services : Concepts and Commitments(Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2001), p.21-30. 참고.
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