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Construction of Framework for Metadata Integration Using Master Data Approach

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2013, v.44 no.1, pp.201-225


In order to overcome the problems of current approaches to metadata interoperability based on element mapping, this research proposed Master Element Framework that is an alternative approach to metadata interoperability. It is an approach to integrate metadata elements that have the same value, instead of direct mapping between similar elements. Master Element Framework is constructed to semantically integrate metadata elements in a hierarchical order and to interconnect between heterogeneous metadata standards. This approach is expected to be an alternative approach to metadata interoperability.

메타데이터 상호운용성, 메타데이터 통합, 마스터 데이터, 마스터 데이터 관리, RDF, Metadata interoperability, Metadata integration, Master data, Master data management, Resource description framework



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society